Shane O’Neill, Vice President
Things change quickly in the digital world. Before 2010 few jewelers were on Facebook or used paid search and Facebook advertising. Some still don’t to the level they should. Moreover, there still is a lack of sophistication in regard to other digital efforts like websites or email marketing. It lacks planning, integration, strategy, understanding, and, most of all, a budget. Yet, digital marketing is now the dominant marketing segment for jewelers, commanding a significant amount of marketing dollars.
So, here’s how to cover those five areas; and since 2023 planning should be well underway or even put to bed by now, let’s get started.
Planning – We always say “It starts with a plan.” Yet, it seems most digital media, in particular social media, becomes an afterthought. So, take some time to plan your social efforts. Are you planning promotions for Mother’s Day? If so, think about what needs to be done socially and digitally. Put it in a marketing budget and know what you want to do way in advance.
Integration – Digital media isn’t an island unto itself. Think about how it can integrate into other mediums. For example, if you feature a product in a print ad, could you direct viewers to a gallery link on your website to see the full line? How about linking to these product galleries from your social media posts and email blasts? The point is that all of your marketing efforts should work together and complement each other.
Strategy – This is the biggest missing link I see. What are you trying to achieve and what’s the best solution for optimal results? In short, what’s the strategy? This is particularly an issue in social media via contests and promotions. The objective is almost always one-dimensional: get fans. Yet, how are you targeting those fans? How are you promoting it? Are you prepared for issues, and who will manage everything? Are fans coming from outside your area? How do you stop that? Are there better ways to engage on social? The answer is yes, but it requires a solid strategy. It’s not plug-and-play anymore and maybe a better objective is to drive traffic to your website.
Understanding – I know, but you would be surprised how many jewelers are actively using paid search, social media, or other digital media channels without fully understanding their function or role in marketing. Digital media is all grown up now and it should be taken as seriously as other forms of marketing. If you’re expecting immediate results using social media, you’re missing the point. Social media is primarily about building relationships and brand building… staying top of mind. An immediate response would be something like paid search when people are actively searching for products and services. In other words, they’re in-market.
Budgeting – It’s time to plan for your digital media just like any other marketing strategy and that includes allocating a budget. And in case you’re wondering what that budget should be; most jewelers allocate at least 50% of their overall budget to digital initiatives, some as high as 80% plus. Time to get your integration on.
Seem like a lot to handle? It is and should be if you’re doing it correctly. Remember a solid strategy and planning are the best ways to deliver results.
The post Five Things You Should Do in 2023 in Digital Marketing appeared first on Fruchtman Marketing.
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