There’s a very good reason we encourage bank rate and product data to be shown everywhere on your website – it converts. Like it or not, most consumers are motivated by rate but sold on structure, so the rate plays an important part in establishing various funnel pathways on your website and broader funnel journey. We have about a dozen different formats for rendering bank data, with each occurrence usually linking to the product page, bank archive page, or both. The latest addition to the collection of product features is a super-simple one, but one that has returned good results in just a few weeks of testing.
This article introduces the floating rate panel shown on limited pages of your website.
The Result
The panel is simple in nature. The floating block sticks to the right hand side of a page and displays the lowest available rates form your panel of lenders. Each rate section includes the published rate, comparison rate, a link to the product page and bank archive, and a link to a post specifically crafted for those landing off the widget.
Pictured: The block is shown below on one of our very bland demonstration websites. The floating bank banner occupies a position on the right hand side of wider screens. Every attribute of the panel is styles to your liking. The panel shows standard owner occupied rates unless we resolve the user as an investor, in which case we show investor products (title and other details are altered to reflect this).
Pictured: The widget occupies the same position on the page as a user scrolls. The ‘More Information’ link (text is customisable, of course) is defined by you and takes the user to another page. This selection creates a simple pathway that resolves to a crafted website funnel.
The rates shown default to owner occupied products, although like many of the features in our powerful framework, the block is conditional in nature in that it will show investor rates, links, and title when the browsing behavior of the individual is resolved.
Panel Options
Every attribute of the panel may be styled to your liking. The options shown when first creating your panel return the default widget shown in the screenshots. Editing the style is made by selecting the appropriate profile from the ‘Review’ panel and clicking on the ‘Edit’ icon.
Pictured: Styling the floating bank panel. You will be required to apply a title for both general owner occupied rates and investor rates because the panel is conditional in nature and shapes itself around the resolved borrowing objective of your website visitor.
The background colour behind the rates defaults to a neutral grey with a small border under that section that shows the primary lender branding colour. You may choose to use the primary lender colour rather than grey (via the “Use Bank Branding for Colours?” option) but this is discouraged because you have no control over the colours returned to your screen, and it looks kind of silly.
Pictured: Lender branding may be applied to the panel. ANZ will show a light blue background, Commbank will show their yellow, Westpac will return a red, and so on. The pictured example isn’t ideal because it shows two grey backgrounds. The use of bank colours is generally discouraged, however, the colour shown as the default grey may be defined by you, as can the background transparency.
Because Yabber supports your multiple websites, you must send your options to the applicable website to take effect.
Pictured: Yabber supports multiple websites, so a different profile may be sent to each of your websites. When sending the profile to your website you must select the destination page for the ‘Learn More’ link.
The options is provided to show the panel on your home page, blog page, and FAQs, although we may add other locations. The panel has the potential to overwhelm a visitor on certain pages so at this time we’ve limited the locations it’ll render.
Whenever a link is created the applicable UTM and tracking data is automatically applied. In this way we’re able to measure the pathways taken to a conversion – an absolutely necessary feature.
Note to Clients
The block is currently supported on desktop screen sizes only. A narrow vertical tablet version will be made available shortly, while it’s unlikely a mobile version will be necessary. The feature will push in our next plugin update (Version
) that we’ve delayed until Thursday 4th August.
Your mortgage broker website is the centre of your marketing experience, and this requires that you provide an experience that establishes your expertise and authoritativeness, and does what it can to introduce trust into the journey. Any campaign of any type – whether that be via organic means or paid efforts – requires that you support your experience with a presence that sets you apart from the sea of perceived mediocrity in the market, and it is for this reason that we apply significant efforts into building an online profile that establishes you as the broker of choice.
There are still those that say “I don’t know why my website doesn’t return any business”, or “my Facebook campaigns don’t convert”, and there’s still those numbnuts that’ll buy leads at a grossly inflated cost without adding any brand value, and without exposing these consumers to an amazing experience. Even if your focus is promoted leads off the tail end off Facebook, Google, or YouTube, your digital footprint still has to support your operation via a full-stack and nested funnel, and while the floating banner is a miniscule contributor to any outcome, it’ll certainly play its part in setting you apart.
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