FOMO Alert:  The 20 Must-Attend Digital Marketing Events in 2023

FOMO Alert:  The 20 Must-Attend Digital Marketing Events in 2023

The digital world? It’s like a game of whack-a-mole with new strategies and platforms popping up left, right, and centre. But amongst the commotion, how do you pinpoint the real game-changers? Simple: Digital Marketing Events. These aren’t just gatherings; they’re the pulse of the industry. It’s where the sharpest minds in marketing converge, ready to spill the beans on the next big thing.

So, here we are in 2023, staring at a calendar chock-full of events that aren’t just promising—they’re practically scribbling down the future of digital marketing. Dive deep into this list, and you’ll discover a spread covering everything from snazzy content strategy to AI’s latest tricks. And as you scroll, bear this in mind: Every name on this list isn’t just an event; it’s a golden ticket. A chance to learn, mingle, and, most importantly, to up your marketing ante.

Why You Should Attend Digital Marketing Events

Knowledge Is Power (and Fun!)

Let’s get real for a moment. The digital landscape is a cheeky chameleon, constantly changing its colours. Being a part of an event means you’re not just chasing the beast; you’re riding it. These events are like your cheat codes to the marketing game, offering shortcuts to the top, and trust me, the view is fantastic.

Expand Your Tribe

Rubbing elbows with fellow marketers isn’t just about the free pens and swag (although, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good freebie?). It’s about connecting, forging alliances, and sometimes, finding your marketing soulmate. Picture yourself, post-conference, in a cool little café, brainstorming the Next Big Thing with the contacts you’ve just made.

Inspiration Awaits

Ever had a creative block? We’ve all been there. Digital marketing events are a sure-fire antidote. The sort of talks, sessions, and panels you’ll attend are like kindling for your creative fire. Sometimes, all it takes is one speaker, one slide, or one off-the-cuff remark to ignite that spark.

The Top 20 Digital Marketing Conferences in 2023/2024


Ever felt like you’ve stepped into the future only to find it’s today? Welcome to the world of AI in marketing, folks. Let’s paint a picture – it’s not just robots serving you a cuppa, it’s algorithms optimising your entire marketing game. Now that’s a future we can get behind.

Dive into MAICON, the Mecca for marketers thirsty for a dose of AI mastery. Once, it might’ve been a niche so small you’d need a magnifying glass to see it. But now? The vast expanse of AI’s role in marketing stretches wider than the Ohio River. From seasoned AI enthusiasts to the slightly bewildered newbie trying to find their feet, MAICON’s got a seat for everyone.

Let’s cut through the digital noise for a moment. This isn’t just another ‘click and watch’ online do. MAICON is about good old human interaction in the real world. Think handshakes, eye contact, and maybe even a few awkward hugs. All while exploring how to weave a digital strategy anchored in artificial intelligence.


Alright, picture this: A conference without the stiff suits, soul-crushing PowerPoints, and yawn-inducing lectures. A bit hard to imagine? Welcome to MozCon. Where the tagline, “Not Your Typical Marketing Conference,” isn’t just a catchy phrase; it’s a darn promise.

Forget the traditional marketing talk you’re used to. At MozCon, they’re tearing down the walls of formalities. From sales prodigies to digital dynamos, everyone’s pulling up a seat by the digital campfire. And, while we’re at it, let’s banish the word ‘attendee.’ Here, you’re more of a ‘camp buddy’. This ain’t just about learning; it’s about camaraderie, late-night marshmallow roasts, and maybe (just maybe) a few ghost stories about failed marketing campaigns.

Worried you’ll be lost in a sea of people glued to their screens? Think again. MozCon’s magic lies in getting you to unplug, look up, and connect. Yes, that means real human interaction – remember that?


Dive into a world where the airwaves reign supreme. Welcome to Podcast Movement – it’s where the voice of podcasting booms the loudest. It’s not just the size (though being the most colossal podcasting convention does give one a bit of a swagger). It’s the passion, the diversity, and the unstoppable energy to keep pushing the mic boundaries.

This isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” shindig. Whether you’re scribbling episode ideas on napkins or are already into your 200th episode, Podcast Movement has a track tailored just for you. From mastering your content to mingling with the maestros of podcasting, it’s all here.


Cue the dramatic music. Enter INBOUND. If MozCon’s your cool summer camp, then INBOUND is your Ivy League induction week. This isn’t about toasting marshmallows; it’s about igniting marketing strategies that scorch the competition.

At its core, INBOUND is a blend of growth and innovation. It’s a smorgasbord of marketing prowess – from multichannel mastery to influencer insights. But this isn’t just about soaking in knowledge from the top dogs in the industry. It’s also about rubbing shoulders with them, maybe even sharing a food truck taco.

Picture this: Amidst the buzzing sessions and high-voltage panels, you’ve got alleyways of networking opportunities, interactive sessions, and yeah, a killer lineup of food trucks. While some conferences wrap up when the sun dips, INBOUND’s energy keeps the party going.


Alright, let’s cut to the chase. You want your marketing to sizzle, not fizzle. Enter the Traffic and Conversion Summit. A place where mediocrity gets kicked to the curb, and dynamite strategies light up the room. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill conference. It’s a boot camp for marketers ready to evolve.

Looking for a secret sauce to skyrocket your leads? How about an elixir to supercharge your business? The Summit’s got you covered. The sessions? Teeming with gold nuggets. The speakers? Nothing short of brilliant. And networking? Think of it as your express elevator to Marketing Mount Olympus.


Step into the global arena with DMWF Global. It’s where the world’s marketing experts congregate, and trust me, the conversations span continents. The unique charm? A laser-focus on how tech is reshaping the marketing landscape. Think of it as your decoder ring for the digital age.

But don’t let the ‘global’ in its name fool you into thinking it’s just about diverse speakers. It’s the pulse of different markets, the flow of varied experiences, all converging in Miami. Whether you’re a content marketing mastermind or an influencer expert, DMWF Global sets the stage for a harmonic convergence of the best minds.


Ladies and gents, gather ’round because the content carnival is coming to town! Content Marketing World isn’t just another convention; it’s where the magic of storytelling and strategy collides. Part forum, part expo – it’s all things content, all in one vibrant venue.

Whether you’re a marketing expert from a colossal brand or an individual hustler crafting masterpieces in your den, this event is your playground. Expect workshops that transform scribbles into stories, sessions that turn ideas into epics, and forums that fuse fun with fundamentals.


Roll out the red carpet, video pros, because VidSummit is where YouTube’s glitz meets marketing’s glam. Consider this your golden ticket into the Hogwarts of video marketing, where every session feels like a spellbinding potion class.

The lineup? Think of the YouTube galaxy’s brightest stars – from the supernova that is MrBeast to hidden gems sharing their radiant insights. But wait, it’s not just for the YouTube elite. Whether you’re an influencer racking up views on TikTok or a brand expert, VidSummit offers a feast for the eyes and the mind.

The atmosphere is electrifying, and the generosity? Heartwarming. It’s the place where the big shots share, care, and uplift. And if you’re on the brand side of things, imagine mingling with influencers who could skyrocket your brand. A match made in marketing heaven.


Right, let’s cut to the chase. Marketing Profs B2B Forum is the pit stop for the B2B heavyweights. While many are busy playing in the B2C sandbox, this is where the grown-ups gather to discuss serious B2B strategies.

It’s straightforward: growth isn’t just on the horizon here; it’s the very ground this event is built on. From mapping out ROI-centric tactics to understanding the ever-evolving B2B landscape, this forum has its finger on the pulse. No fluff. No frills. Just good old actionable insights from industry bigwigs, helping you boost that bottom line.

And for the ones who’ve got their eyes on the B2B prize, a word of advice: this forum? It’s the golden ticket. The kind that’s got all the answers wrapped up in a neat little package.


Alright, listen in. LavaCon isn’t just another content conference. It’s a deep dive into the tech-led future of content marketing. Where other events might skim the surface, LavaCon dives deep, with a focus on the nitty-gritty of AI and VR in content strategy.

Fancy a close-up on how emerging tech is shaping the content world? This is your stage. It’s not just about embracing the tech; it’s about understanding how to weave it into your content narrative. It’s pure, distilled knowledge, without the techno-babble.

So, if you’re itching to pull ahead in the content race, strap in and gear up. LavaCon’s the pit stop that fuels up champions. And trust me, you won’t want to miss out on this ride.


Step into Digital Summit Series, the powerhouse of innovation in the digital marketing realm. If you’re in the game of digital marketing, this isn’t just another event; it’s THE destination. It’s where the new meets the now. Keeping you updated with the freshest techniques and technology, it’s like your compass in this ever-evolving digital landscape.

The line-up is nothing short of stellar, with an eclectic mix of industries, ensuring everyone walks away with their own little nugget of insight. And the best part? It’s not just a San Diego special. This show’s on the road, hitting up spots from Minneapolis to Dallas. So, whether you’re dialling in strategies for a local start-up or a global conglomerate, Digital Summit Series has got the answers wrapped in dynamite insights.


Shelve the glitz and the glamour. DMO Advanced is where you roll up your sleeves and dive deep. It’s not your typical pat-on-the-back conference. Think of it more as a workshop that isn’t afraid to ask the hard questions.

Collaborative sessions? Check. Real-world problem solving? Double check. Throw in a sprinkle of some top-notch speakers and a good old-fashioned wine tasting (we are in Napa Valley, after all), and you’ve got a conference that’s as unique as it is effective.

If you’re a marketer feeling a bit stuck or simply looking to refine your tactics, DMO Advanced is the GPS to get you back on the high road, brimming with innovative solutions and strategies. Simply put, it’s not just about learning; it’s about evolving.


Look, there are marketing events, and then there’s the ANA Masters of Marketing Conference. This isn’t your standard gather-and-chat. No, it’s where advertising’s finest playbooks are dissected and laid bare. How did that super-brand pull off its campaign? What sparked the renaissance in that company? ANA serves those answers on a platter. The sessions here? Think of them as masterclasses for marketers wanting to upend the norm and blaze their own trail.

Now, if your campaigns are feeling a tad ‘meh’ or your strategy’s looking all too familiar, a trip to Orlando could be just the refresher you need. ANA’s about real talk, from real success stories. It’s about soaking up those game-changing insights that transform how you see marketing.


Ever wished there was a conference that spanned the globe, cherry-picking the juiciest tidbits of digital marketing? DigiMarCon heard you. This isn’t a one-off event; it’s a world tour of digital insights. From the green landscapes of Dublin to the rhythmic beats of Johannesburg, this conference is leaving footprints everywhere. And in November? It’s lighting up Las Vegas with some of the industry’s brightest sparks.

While jet-setting around the globe might be tempting, DigiMarCon knows it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. That’s why they’re offering virtual events. Same expert knowledge, just without the airport queues. It’s digital marketing, decentralized, giving everyone a shot at upping their game.


Alright, buckle up. MarTech Summit isn’t just about throwing around snazzy tech terms. It’s where marketing straps on its high-tech boots and struts its stuff. Over two whirlwind days in London, you’re getting more than just a peek behind the curtain—you’re getting a front-row seat to the marketing-technology main event. And the cast? Top-tier industry legends ready to spill the beans on the nifty tricks of the trade.

Dying to experience this fusion elsewhere? Good news! MarTech’s setting stages from Singapore’s bustling streets to virtual get-togethers. If marrying tech with your marketing tactics is your jam, consider this your invite to the must-attend bash of the year.


Imagine the coolest backstage pass to the podcasting world—that’s Podfest Expo. We’re not just talking about mics, folks. This is the meaty stuff: marketing your audio gold, finding your crowd, and even sidestepping those pesky pitfalls. The dilemma? Too many juicy sessions, too little time.

Now, here’s the kicker: it’s not just the sessions that make Podfest buzz. It’s the vibe. It’s that warm, fuzzy feeling when you realize you’re not just among listeners, but potential collab buddies. Whether you’re still mulling over episode one or you’re the podcasting poster child, Podfest’s got your name on its guest list.


Oh, San Diego in February. Palm trees, ocean breezes, and… the motherlode of all things social media. Now, I’ve rubbed shoulders at Social Media Marketing World, and believe me, it’s nothing short of a powerhouse gathering. Picture three days, marinating in practical insights, where industry luminaries spill the secrets of the social media trade.

And the crowd? Let’s just say it’s a melting pot of digital pioneers. You’ve got your influencers brushing up against senior marketers, content experts swapping notes with mobile strategists, and bloggers soaking up wisdom like sponges. This is the place where content strategies are born and refined. In short, it’s where the magic happens.


Ah, Gartner. When they slap their name on an event, you know it’s the big leagues. Labelling itself as the mecca for CMOs and Marketing Execs, it’s the kind of bash where you could be sipping your coffee next to the next Steve Jobs of marketing. 2023 was a riot with AI insights and multichannel marvels. And 2024? It promises to be another star-studded playbook of marketing genius.

Positioned at Denver’s altitude, it’s not just the location that’ll leave you breathless. From brand bosses to digital dynamos, the attendee list is every bit as elite as the content. If you’re in the top echelons of the marketing world or just aiming to get there, this Symposium isn’t just an event – it’s the event.


Alright, here’s the scoop: when you think of Frankfurt, you might think of finance or sausages. But for one day in June, it’s the mecca for marketers who are hungry for growth. The Growth Marketing Summit is like that mate who gives you no-nonsense advice over a pint. It’s straight-to-the-point, actionable stuff. No fluff, just the juicy bits on boosting your user base and building some seriously strong relationships through your campaigns.

So, if you’re the type who nods off during long-winded presentations, fear not. This summit is laser-focused. If “scaling up” is on your to-do list (and let’s be honest, when is it not?), this one’s got your name written all over it.


Let’s get one thing straight: Social Media Week Lima isn’t your run-of-the-mill, ‘been there, posted that’ kind of event. With a title like “Roots”, they’re diving deep. While others are fussing over the perfect filter, Lima’s busy focusing on what really matters: genuine chit-chat, hearty laughs, and building relationships on social that are as real as your Nan’s apple pie.

Now, whether you’re the hands behind a big brand’s X posts or you’re just trying to up your Instagram story game, Lima’s on hand to help. It’s all about getting that virtual handshake just right. Perfect for anyone keen to turn followers into mates. And let’s face it, who doesn’t want a few more pals?


Rounding off, this isn’t just another list. It’s a curated selection, a guide to the electrifying world of digital marketing. Events like these? They’re where the magic happens. Genuine lightbulb moments, fuelled by the brightest in the biz. So, the advice? Dive in. Be more than just a face in the crowd. Remember, it’s not just about keeping up—it’s about staying ahead of the game.

FAQ’s for Digital Marketing Conferences

I’ve been in the digital marketing game for years. Will I still find value in these conferences?

Absolutely.. Think of it this way: Digital marketing is a bit like music. There’s always a new tune, a fresh rhythm, or a novel approach. These events aren’t just about the basics; they delve deep into the nuances, discuss the challenges, and forecast future waves. No matter how seasoned you are, there’s always a new beat to catch.

I’m a complete newbie. Will I be out of depth at these events?

Not at all. In fact, you’re in for a treat! Imagine walking into a library with books tailored just for you. From beginner workshops to 101 sessions, these conferences cater to those taking their first steps in the digital domain. And hey, there’s no better place to get your queries answered than amidst a gathering of experts.

With so much information available online, is attending a conference really worth it?

The internet is a treasure trove, no doubt. But conferences? They’re like live gigs, offering a flavour you can’t replicate online. It’s not just about information; it’s about experiencing insights in real-time, bouncing ideas off fellow attendees, and getting your burning questions addressed then and there. Plus, the networking opportunities? Pure gold.

How do I know which conferences will offer the best ROI for my time and money?

Great question! When shortlisting events, look at the speakers, the agenda, and the workshops on offer. Seek out testimonials or chat with past attendees. Remember, it’s not just about the big names; sometimes, niche events can offer the most tailored insights. And hey, keep an eye on reviews and recommendations, including lists like the one you’re reading right now.

I’m more of a behind-the-scenes kind of marketer. Will I fit in at these events?

You bet! Every digital marketing specialist, whether they’re front and centre or crafting magic behind the curtain, has a place at these events. Conferences offer diverse tracks, catering to strategists, content creators, analysts, and everyone in between. So, regardless of where you shine, there’s a spotlight waiting for you.

What’s the golden ticket to making the most of these events?

Digital marketing events are like treasure hunts; there’s gold at every corner. But the real gem? Active participation. Dive into workshops, scribble notes during talks, and never skip a networking session. Be curious, be eager, and be present.

How do these events cater to both newbies and seasoned pros?

Whether you’re taking your first step in digital marketing or you’ve got footprints all over the landscape, there’s something tailored for you. Beginners can soak up foundational knowledge, while the veterans can delve into advanced tactics and future trends. It’s a smorgasbord of insights!

Why is networking often hailed as the unsung hero of these conferences?

Between the glitzy presentations and expert panels, it’s those coffee break chats and evening mixers that often work wonders. Networking isn’t just about swapping business cards; it’s about forging alliances, birthing collaborations, and sometimes, just finding a fellow marketing geek you can vibe with.

What’s the buzz about hands-on workshops in these events?

Workshops are where the rubber meets the road. It’s one thing to listen to a strategy and quite another to roll up your sleeves and execute it. These sessions bridge that gap, allowing attendees to test out strategies in real-time, making the learning experience truly immersive.

Is there a way to keep the momentum going post-conference?

Certainly! Don’t let the adrenaline fade away. Post-event, revisit your notes, reach out to the contacts you made, and start implementing fresh strategies. Some attendees form study groups, some collaborate on projects, and some even kickstart fresh ventures together. It’s all about leveraging what you’ve gained.

What sets digital marketing events apart from the rest?

Well, imagine having a turbo boost in the world of marketing. Digital marketing events are where you’re given that boost, granting access to the freshest insights and trends. Attendees walk away not just with notes, but with a rejuvenated zest for the craft, and new ideas ready to be implemented.

How do virtual marketing events change the game?

Virtual marketing events are the green room of the digital age. You’re not just attending; you’re getting a backstage pass to global expertise—all from the comfort of your sofa. They’ve shattered geographical boundaries, making it possible to absorb global perspectives without jet lag.

What should I have on my radar in the evolving digital marketing scene?

Predicting the exact next move in digital marketing is a tad tricky, but interactive content, augmented reality campaigns, and immersive video content are hot topics. One golden rule remains: agility is key. Marketers must be quick-footed, ready to pivot, and open to evolution.

What traits should a exceptional digital marketer possess?

It’s a cocktail of traits: A dash of adaptability, a pinch of tech-savviness, and a generous pour of curiosity. Digital marketers, at their best, are storytellers, data interpreters, and trend navigators all rolled into one.

What’s the real value of attending a marketing summit?

Think of marketing summits as your power-up sessions. They are the places where expertise, innovations, and forward-thinking strategies converge. By attending, you’re putting yourself in the epicentre of knowledge, ensuring you’re not just in the game but playing to win.

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