Founder of Digital Growth Summit Anthony Mastellone: Disrupting the eCommerce and Digital Marketing Education & Event Space

Finding your way through the world of eCommerce and digital marketing is a daunting task. Since the rise of online-based businesses as the next big thing in entrepreneurship, there has been a proliferation of people who proclaim themselves as “experts” and “gurus” of digital marketing. It is confusing and quite frankly hard to distinguish the real experts and those who are just pretending to be an expert. What is more frightening is the thought that there are pseudo-experts whose only goal is to take advantage of aspiring online entrepreneurs just to make a buck.

Aspiring and budding online entrepreneurs crave to learn more about how to make their business work. Finding someone who could guide them through the maze of e-commerce and digital marketing is not an easy task. This is the very reason why Anthony Mastellone was inspired to establish the Digital Growth Summit in 2019. He wants to help these aspiring and budding entrepreneurs. One of the ways to do that is to learn from the experts & that’s why the speakers whom Anthony invites to the summit are certified business owners. These are people who have proven that their methodology in the industry works. It’s hard to gather the best minds in the industry in one place so they can share with the attendees the strategies and tricks to become successful in eCommerce, but Anthony Mastallone does it seamlessly. 

Another goal of his is to debunk the common misconceptions about live digital marketing events. One of them being that events are just a formal way to be pitched a big-ticket item. Second, content that works for one person should work for everyone – meanwhile, content is and must be customized and tailored. What worked for them does not mean it will work for someone else. So in this article, I’ll be going over the 3 most common misconceptions in digital marketing and how Anthony Mastallone’s event debunks them.

The Broken System: Many Events Are The Start of a Sales Process

Over the past few years there have been some budding event “brands” that bring in some great speakers, but only use their platform and speakers for making money. Attendees should be wary and have a full understanding of what they’re attending to ensure it isn’t just full of product pitches or learning from unqualified speakers.

Thus, at the Digital Growth Summit, Anthony and his team are meticulous in picking the speakers for the event. They ensure that the speakers on stage are truly qualified. They are the best minds in the industry whose ideas can help your business grow tremendously. Only after a detailed vetting process, that’s when the speaker gets invited.

Anthony was inspired to build an unparalleled environment because he states “Events are where I made my biggest breakthroughs in my career. Whether it was through a connection made or single piece of info shared from the stage, whenever I went to a high quality event – the ROI was tenfold”. With high quality education based events, you can socialize and interact with the speakers and fellow attendees. It’s a good opportunity to look for possible collaboration with other individuals who share the same passion with you. There had been many instances that an event like this paved the way to find a land a massive project, a great partnership or breakthrough strategies for entrepreneurs. A big break that will open the doors of countless opportunities in this industry.

There’s No “Standard” of Content of What Actually Works

There is no digital marketing strategy that suits everyone. Strategies are, most of the time, tailored fit and custom-built for a certain individual or niche. What works with one person’s business doesn’t guarantee it will seamlessly translate to another online business. That’s why at Digital Growth Summit, there are a variety of speakers with different areas of expertise and experiences that will ensure all bases are covered. For example; someone selling skincare products will have widely different strategies than someone in the outdoor gear niche. Respectively they have different messaging and strategies that resonate with the potential consumer and can convert better than the other – that’s why differentiation in coaches can be beneficial as you see different perspectives and receive the benefits of different track records.

Personalized Help is Just an Empty Promise

Most events with large scale speakers can’t enable the environment for speakers to actually have a meaningful conversation and connect with the attendees. With the occasional information overload, it’s easy to get lost – but sometimes the best solution is a personalized answer from someone who has the track record to assist you. That’s why Digital Growth Summit has a 10:1 attendee to speaker ratio and the most value per second their speakers hit the stage.

With that being said Anthony never thought of profit first at the expense of the attendee. There’s a reason he sells out his events; because he focuses on the person listening and attending the event, by adding massive value to their lives and businesses. World-class speakers seek to speak at Anthony’s stage to have meaningful contributions to aspiring entrepreneurs. They’re planting seeds to help others. This is how he consistently contributes to revolutionizing the industry and paving the way for a better support system for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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