It’s not always about increasing revenue. Sometimes it’s about improving your profitability, lowering your expenses, lowering your cost to acquire those phone calls or those conversions. Ask yourself if there’s an efficient way to use the money.
We are told all the time “I need to improve my traffic”. Why? Is it to grow revenue? What if in order to grow your revenue you didn’t need to grow your traffic at all? You could just increase the number of people that follow the call to action, to become a conversion from the traffic you already have.
Then what if we could take it a little bit further and as a third step and get those people who are already customers, already spending money with your company, to spend just a little bit more?
What should our attitudes or perspectives be when it comes to reaching certain marketing goals?
One of our best tips is to focus less on the finish line and more about the journey to get there. You can’t set a goal and expect to get there without having little benchmarks and tasks along the way. And even when you do get to that finish line, now what?
Years ago we were working with an AutoCAD company out of California. They sell licenses for software that are not cheap. Like $25,000 plus per license. They sell to architects and engineering firms with say 15 people at their company that all need licenses.
It’s not a small sale.
This guy we were working with had been approved for a certain region that he could sell in. He didn’t think people knew who he was and so through just we got him to rank really well for any of those common keywords that would draw leads in for the licenses. After we got him fruitful in around eight cities he came to us and told us how happy he was with the results and I guess that all good things come to an end. He was ending his work with us.
He was happy with the fact that we had set a goal and had reached it. He was pleased with the results and he was making really good money. Guess it was time to stop.
Once you reach your goal, it’s time to set new ones.
We talked about raising the budget and continuing to bring in other areas or locations outside of our original eight cities. He agreed and we went through this process about two or three times and got to the point where he was ranking number one for around 24 cities. Major cities in California.
He was outselling the corporate entity. Just his area in California was outselling the rest of the country. The corporation ended up buying him out, for a very healthy sum. Ironically he did start another business and brought that business to us and we did the same marketing there. We were very successful again.
The lesson here is to set marketing goals. Set specific benchmarks that you can track and measure. Then keep track of your growth and progress. But then when you hit those, be ready to create additional ones and stay focused on continual improvement to your marketing. Always look for new ways to grow through the four levels.
Set your goals, hit your goals, and then ask yourself what’s next
Be thinking about that all the time. What’s the next step? Because a lot of times the actions we take now will affect what happens in the future.
It’s not always about spending more money. You don’t have to increase your ad spend budget, or your SEO budget. Sometimes just enhancing some of the things you already have, making efficiencies or improvements on what you’ve already done. Find that missing gem that you already have.
Don’t become a marketing victim. Be a marketing victor by scheduling a complementary website analysis and marketing evaluation so we can share with you the best ways to make your marketing work better for you.
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