Four ways writing a press release can enlighten your digital marketing strategy –

Even if you never publish it, thinking through the process of creating a press release will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your digital marketing strategy.

And it will force you to answer four important questions that will give you clarity about what to improve.

Not long ago we wrote a press release for a client about their category relaunch. It was all pretty straightforward. The client had news to share, strong positioning, solid social proof, and a well-thought-out homepage. Consequently, we struck a chord with news agencies and their readers. Several significant media sources picked up the story. And the client had a nice public relations piece to share and reshare.

We’ve learned from trial and error that not everyone needs or should even attempt a press release. But we’ve also learned the four elements above can be used to outline a successful digital marketing strategy.

What’s the story?

When it comes to thinking about your story and that of your business, picture a grumpy old newspaper editor asking you two questions:

What’s the angle?
And, so what?

Your company may not have a breaking news story or one that will break the internet. But it’s always helpful to consider what you’re doing to differentiate yourself from your competitors. What’s your angle?

One way is to demonstrate your expertise by keeping current – and keeping your followers current – on what’s new. So, if you run a plumbing company, it might mean sharing what’s great and not so great about the latest tankless water heater on the market.

What’s your take?

A good press release includes a quote from the main subject or the hero of the story. Whether it’s a business owner or an Olympic Gold Medal Winner, a personal quote is used, to add a personal perspective to the story. A unique angle and a personal perspective both serve as a perfect backdrop for positioning yourself and your business.

April Dunford, who’s an expert on the topic offers this definition:

Positioning defines how our product is different and better than alternatives for a particular set of customers.

A good question to ask yourself is what would it sound like if a press release quoted you and your positioning statement?

What’s the client’s take?

A good news story includes the input of others to validate the story. In digital marketing strategy terms, we call it social proof and it’s incredibly powerful.

It’s the reason why 83% of consumers say they’re more likely to purchase a product or service recommended by friends or family.

What happens next?

A well-written press release can serve a number of purposes such as promoting an event, announcing an award, or leadership changes. But most businesses aim to get the attention of prospective customers.

The big question is, once you have their attention how will you make the most of it?

At some point, getting and keeping attention will involve your website. The sooner the better. And when the client arrives there, you want it to be a soft landing. In other words, you’ll want them to know they’re in the right place.

They should be able to tell quickly what value you have to offer and how they can take advantage of it. Make it easy. Make it clear. And make it compelling.

Most businesses don’t need a press release

Even the best press release won’t compensate for a lackluster marketing strategy. In fact, it could prove a disaster if you aren’t prepared for the consequences of success.

The reality is a successful press release is subject to the whims of news outlets and readers. Timing can also be a critical factor.  But most businesses need a solid digital marketing strategy that includes your unique angle, positioning, social proof, and a well-designed website.

If you’re not confident about yours, now’s the time to change that. And we can help! 😉

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