Well they say a month is a long time in business and the last month has been no exception as businesses across the world and right here on our doorstep here in Northampton have to adjust to some fairly large changes to the way we work for the coming weeks and months.
We at So Very Creative have not been immune to this – for the last few weeks, we’ve been working with our clients via video call to help them adjust and try and re-orientate their business (particularly the sales elements of them) to a more online audience.
We realise though that there are lots of businesses out there at the moment who may be struggling to adjust or reorientate their activities and with this in mind, we are offering free video consultations for any businesses locally looking for advice and guidance.
We are proposing to run these sessions as “digital triage” calls where we can talk to businesses about their immediate needs and point them in the right direction for useful resources and tools to help them achieve their goals.
This could be anything from setting up on social media for the first time, to finding the right tool for helping teams to collaborate remotely.
To book a free consultation call with us and pick our brains on all things online and digital – be sure to drop an email to [email protected] to book a slot with us today!