This time every month we usually reach out to inform you on the latest news in the hotel digital marketing world. I think we all can agree there’s only been one thing on our plate lately and it’s the daily whirlwind of trying to react, adjust and play defense against the damage caused by our world-wide enemy, COVID-19. We understand that just like us, you’ve been trying to consume as much content, tips and strategies to help your business see the way through this crisis successfully so we’ve crafted this month’s newsletter to help provide our top free partner offers to help your hotel during this time. We hope this content helps, but if you need more advice, insights or guidance please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Webinar On-Demand | Key Strategies to Boost Hotel Revenues During Recovery
The impact of COVID-19 on hotels continues to increase and the U.S. stock market continues to drop, leaving the hospitality industry unsure of what is to come in the upcoming weeks and months. Hotels need to focus on driving awareness and taking as much of the market share as they can get. In an informative webinar, NAVIS, Dragonfly Strategists, and Chris Jackson of GCommerce discuss ways you can leverage technology and build loyalty, leads, and a resilient brand.
If you’re looking for even more help to get your hotel’s marketing ready for life after COVID-19, GCommerce is offering free hotel marketing phone consultations- no strings attached. Our team has experience with unpredictable markets. One thing we learned during the 2008 economic downturn was that the properties who doubled down and continued to invest in their hotel’s marketing programs were the ones that made it to the other side less scathed. This is a similar moment in time – lots of uncertainty about where the economy is headed not to mention our public safety.
Our team is standing by to offer free hotel digital marketing phone consultations. To schedule a phone consultation please submit a request below.
Navis Providing Shop Cart Abandonment Tool Free for 120 Days
Most hotel and vacation rental websites see over an 80% abandonment rate after people reach the booking engine. With lower demand during this time, it is more important than ever to capture and convert any website visitors. Instead of losing these visitors, capture and convert them with NAVIS’ Shopping Cart Abandonment Tool, free for 120 days. Website visitors that don’t checkout immediately become available for outbound calls and automated email communications. The great part is you can be up and running in as little as 5 hours and at the end of the 120 days, you have no obligation to continue, although you’ll probably want to based on results and the power of the NAVIS CRM platform. NAVIS’ Shopping Cart Abandonment Tool offer includes:
Reach out to GCommerce with any questions or help moving forward with this free trial.
TripTease Giving Free Hotel Website Data Audits
GCommerce partner TripTease is offering all GCommerce clients a free website analysis session to determine where the hotel should be focusing their marketing efforts during this time and in the coming months. In these times of lower demand hotels need to focus on converting any existing demand they have into a direct booking rather than spending on top of funnel activities where they are unlikely to see a good return. To get started, simply reach out to your GCommerce representative to have the script added to your website and booking engine.
Based on the results we can help craft your marketing approach to focus on segments that are still showing demand during this time. We can also help you get started using TripTease’s incredible direct booking tools and metasearch service. Triptease has already adapted its metasearch algorithm to bid on segments that are driving ROI and showing demand for their hotels right now (and not waste money bidding on zero value segments i.e countries with travel bans).
Are you a current Triptease customer? Make sure to provide GCommerce with access to your platform so we can assist in website visitor segment analysis and recommendations to help capture more bookings with your existing TripTease service.
Google Pledges $340 Million in Google Ads Credits to SMBs
On March 27th, to commit $800+ million to “support small and medium-sized businesses, health organizations and governments, and health workers on the frontline of this global pandemic”. One of the key components of this plan is $340 million in Google Ads credits that will be available to all SMBs to use until the end of 2020. Google stated these credits are available to any SMB with an active account over the past year and can be used at any point within 2020 and across any Google advertising platform. There aren’t a lot of specifics yet about when and which Google Ads accounts will see these credits or how much each advertiser will get. GCommerce will be monitoring this within our client accounts and will inform clients as they receive credits to use towards advertising.
Facebook Offering $100 Million in Cash Grants & Ads Credits to Small Businesses
Facebook has also announced grants for small businesses impacted by coronavirus. The Ad tech company is offering $100 million in cash grants and ad credits for up to 30,000 small businesses in over 30 countries. While there’s not much additional information at this time, be sure to sign up for updates on when applications will open up by going . GCommerce is monitoring this program for our hotel clients and will reach out with more information when we have it.