Friday Five 021: Getting Help with Your Digital Marketing

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3 min read ✭ Join us in Episode 021 of the Friday Five, as we cover how you can bring your digital marketing to the next level using limited resources.  

What is the Friday Five?

Each Friday, we will be answering your most pressing questions from our Digital Marketing for Nonprofits Facebook group. If we don’t cover a challenge that you or your nonprofit colleagues are facing, drop us a comment below or tweet us @CommunityBoost and we’ll add it to the queue. 

Let’s dive in! 

Nonprofit Marketing Challenges

1) Your Biggest Marketing Challenge: “Maximizing ad conversion.” – Jenn, First Book

Our Solution: We love the quote“not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” This can be applied when it comes to digital ads. First, you need to decide what you want to measure, donations for example. From there, think about the journey that users go on leading up to that donation. What is the landing page that the ad will take them to? Also think about your ad creative and the targeting that you are using. Test adjustments to these areas and see what the results are. From there, you will be able to determine what is most successful in increasing your conversion.  

2) Your Biggest Marketing ChallengeMarketing staff of 1. ” IzzyLittle River, SC Chamber of Commerce

Our SolutionAs a chamber of commerce, the more content you can source from your members the better. It can be beneficial to the rest of your audience and also makes your life easier. Great things can happen when you ask! Keep asking your members to be featured and for them to tag you in their own content. 

3) Your Biggest Marketing Challenge: “Building a strong social media presence among immigrant communities and older community members.” – Mon, Academy of Medical & Public Health Services

Our Solution: Really try and encourage conversation and engagement on your content. Ask questions in your posts! Also, think about any micro-influencers that are aligned with your values that might be willing to promote your services on Instagram. Direct message them and build a partnership. If they are passionate about your mission, there is a good chance that they will be willing to spread the word for you. For more tips on micro-influencer marketing, read the recent post on our blog.    

4) Your Biggest Marketing Challenge: “Finding experts to partner with to execute high quality digital marketing campaigns.” – Lissa, Auge Gray Drake Collective Works

Our SolutionDon’t ever hesitate to reach out to us at Community Boost. We are biased, but obviously believe we do really great work on the Google Ads, Facebook ads and traffic and conversion side of things. If you are interested in a free audit, click on the link below. We would be happy to talk with you. 

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The post Friday Five 021: Getting Help with Your Digital Marketing appeared first on Community Boost Consulting | Google AdWords Grant Management.