It probably sounds funny to think of digital marketing as taking a village, but it’s really not all that far off the mark. You can at least say digital marketing takes everyone in a company to provide a more human face. Huffington Post back in March pointed out something similar when listing the hottest digital marketing trends for this year. One of those trends was marketing as a company-wide effort rather than sole focus on the CEO, or products.
If you’ve heard it over and over that marketing should focus on the customer, the content going to the prospective customer should feature efforts by your star employees.
The reason the above is so important is because many consumers want proof of your expertise for differentiation from your competitors. In such a vast sea of other businesses out there, chances are you’re competing with someone doing the very same thing you are.
This more intense competitive business environment requires more creative marketing tactics so you stand out from the herd. When you get your employees involved, they can prove your uniqueness based on their own expertise. Their knowledge may even exceed your own, which likely explains any successes you’ve had.
It’s time you let them have some freedom to provide content on both social media and your website.
Behind the Scenes Videos of Product Production
Showcasing what goes on behind the scenes in your company already opens the doors as a personal tour to potential customers. Videos embedded on your website or on social media allows individual employees in specific departments to show what the process is in product development.
When you feature these people, going right to ground floor is essential. These are the people who do all the real industrial work in making your products what they are. By creating video profiles on these individuals, it provides a human face that rarely gets seen in marketing efforts.
Even if these employees don’t want to speak on camera, having them demonstrate what they do in the product end also shows the materials you use. With so much consumer sensitivity in how products get made and what they’re made of, you can let your employees prove their own expertise through their manufacturing prowess.
Profiling Your Management Staff
Those who work in the management side of your company should also get involved in your marketing videos. The ones who work in the upper floors sometimes never show their faces, despite making all of the critical decisions in how your products get distributed.
Not showcasing them only creates more stigmas many corporations face about being impersonal. Let them step in and demonstrate what they do in a day through short, segmented videos.
Instagram videos are a perfect place to do this in an entertaining way. While they only run up to 15 seconds long, it still allows a snapshot of a typical day or business situation in your company. Providing a little humor in each video helps bring an edge that you’ve possibly been missing.
Getting Employees Involved in Social Media Marketing
Starting conversations on social media is becoming a popular way to nurture relationships with prospective customers. Twitter is one of the best places, and it’s where you own employees can take turns starting natural conversations. By using hashtag searches, these conversations can prove expertise with each employee without using any hard-sell techniques.
None of your employees should do actual selling and instead broach conversations based on current events, a debate, or any discussion about your industry.
By letting them take turns doing this, those on social media can get to know each of your employees. Conversely, each one of your employees can personally brand themselves in the process.
Contact us here at Epic Design Labs where we’ll help your business succeed finding new ideas in web design, e-commerce, digital marketing and general marketing.
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