Glossary of Digital Marketing Terms | FirstPage Marketing

301 redirect

A method of permanently redirecting traffic from one webpage to another.

302 redirect

A method of temporarily redirecting traffic from one webpage to another.

404 error

The message that appears on the screen when you try to visit a webpage that does not exist.

Alt tags

Alternative text used to provide search engines and vision impaired users with information about the contents of a picture.

Anchor text

The clickable words in a link used to provide context about the site being linked to.

A link from one website to another website. Backlinks are important for SEO because search engines tend to give more credit to websites that have a lot of quality backlinks, as these websites are considered to be more relevant than other websites with less quality backlinks in the same search query.

An automated program, also known as a crawler or spider, that crawls websites so that they can be ranked by search engines and added to search indexes.

Bounce rate

The percentage of users that immediately leave a website without clicking or interacting with the page.

Bread crumbs

Links in the header or footer of a website that help users navigate the website.

A piece of code that can be used to avoid duplicate content issues on a website by informing search engines which page is the source or preferred page in the event that there are several versions of the same page online.


A ratio of the number of clicks divided by the number of times an ad or search result is seen. This number is the percentage of users of view and click on an ad.

The result of a user completing a desired action on a website.

Conversion rate

The percentage of website visitors who convert into customers or complete a desired action on as website.

Conversion rate optimization

A type of digital marketing that works toward improving the conversion rates of website pages in order to make them more profitable.

Data sent from a website to the user’s computer or smart phone in order to help the device store useful information, such as shopping cart items, pages visited, or completed field forms.

Cost per click

The amount of money an advertiser spends every time one of their ads in pay-per-click campaign is clicked on by a user or the number of clicks divided by the amount spent.

Cascading style sheets (CSS)

A document that contains coded styles for how the website’s HTML code should appear on a user’s screen. CSS can be used to style entire sections of a website rather than having to style each individual line.

Call-to-action (CTA)

A clickable button, image, or standard text used to guide website visitors to perform a specific action or conversion.

Digital marketing

The marketing of services or products using digital technology, such as the Internet, mobile phones, display ads, etc.

Display ads

Images, flash player, video, and audio ads that appear on a display network.

Display network

A network of apps and websites that show ads on their webpages, based on keyword placement and remarketing.

Domain Name System (DNS)

A protocol that translates a website’s URL from letters and words into a string of numbers, known as an IP address.

Duplicate content

Content that can be found in multiple places on a website or on the Internet.

Email marketing

Emailing consumers with the goal of increasing sales, customers, or other types of conversions.

Featured snippet

A block of summarized information that appears at the top of search results in order to provide users with a quick answer to a common question or query.

Google Analytics

A free software program that can be used to analyze website traffic, conversions, user metrics, historical data comparisons, and how effective each form of marketing is by providing data that has been categorized into users and sessions.

Google AdWords

An online advertising service that helps advertisers reach consumers through search engines and display networks.

Google My Business

A free platform businesses can use to manage their online presence across Google by verifying and editing business information (business name, address, phone number, website link, hours, reviews, etc.) in local search results in order to help customers find the business.

Google Partner Agency

A digital marketing agency is AdWords certified, meets certain spend requirements, and meets performance requirements for overall ad revenue and growth.

Google reviews

Customer reviews left using the Google My Business platform, consisting of a 1-5-star scale rating and a brief message.

Google Search Console

Formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, Google Search Console is a free Google tool that provides data on how a website is performing on search engines, including the website’s visibility and indexability.

A phrase beginning with an octothorpe (#) that is used on social media platforms as a way of allowing users to find content related to that specific topic.

The top portion of a website that contains the logo and main menu or a section of HTML in the website’s code that contains important site information.

Heading tags

More commonly known as h1, h2, h3, etc., header tags are used for categorizing the text on a webpage to help readers and search engines know what the page is about.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

A set of codes (made up of elements or tags) that are used to tell a web browser how to display a webpage.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

A protocol that defines how data is formatted and transmitted on the Internet, as well as what actions web browsers and web servers should complete in response to a certain command.

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

A secure version of HTTP that works by encrypting data as an added layer of security.

Hreflang tag

HTML code on a website that tells search engines what spoken language the webpage is using.

How many times a pay per click ad was shown or a webpage has been listed on a search engine results page.

Inbound marketing

The activities and strategies used for attracting prospective customers to a website by educating and building trust about your services, products, and brand.

Javascript (JS)

A type of scripting language used on web browsers to create interactive elements.

A word or phrase that indicates the major theme of a piece of content that is used to help webpages show up for certain search terms.

Keyword phrase

A string of multiple words used to find information on a search engine.

Keyword density

How often a keyword appears on a page in relation to the number of words on the page.

Keyword stuffing

Overusing a keyword on a webpage in an attempt to manipulate search engines.

Landing page

The webpage a user lands on after clicking on a link (most commonly used for lead generation purposes).

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing)

A method of indexing used by search engines in order to better understand the relationship between words and phrases.

Long tail keyword

A longer keyword phrase that matches a common user search query.

Snippets of HTML code that are used to provide contextual information for web crawlers and search engines to help them determine which information to display in search results.

Meta description

A snippet of text that provides a summary of a webpage’s content in under 160 characters. Search engines display meta descriptions in search results with the searched-for phrase in bold, making optimizing the meta description crucial for on-page SEO.

NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number)

Citations used to build SEO authority by providing consistent business information across all citation websites.

HTML code that tells web crawlers and search engines not to crawl or visit the page being linked to.

Organic traffic

A source of website traffic that derives from clicking on non-paid search results.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

A type of online advertising associated with search engine and social media advertising in which advertisers are charged for their ad when it is clicked on.

Part of Google’s algorithm that uses machine learning to evaluate search results and related queries in order to determine user intent.

A type of paid ad, also called retargeting, that is designed to show advertisements to customers after they have already completed a desired task, such as visiting a website, seeing an ad, visiting a social media site, etc.

Responsive web design

A website that is specifically designed to display content on multiple different screen sizes.


A text file stored on a website’s server that outlines the basic rules for how robots are allowed to crawl a website.

Schema markup

Code that is inserted into the HTML on a website in order to provide more context to Google and information about the business to help the website display rich snippets of content in search results.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

A term that applies to any digital marketing that involves the use of a search engine but is used most commonly to refer to paid digital marketing.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The process of driving a higher rate of better-quality organic search traffic to a website through search engines like Bing and Google.

SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

The page on a search engine that features a list of search results related to the user’s search term.

Traffic sessions

A group of user interactions with a website that take place within a given timeframe. Whatever actions a user takes on a website (browsing a page, downloading PDFs, purchasing products, etc.) before they leave is consider one session.

An XML file or page on a website that lists all of the website’s pages for users and search engines to see.

SSL certificate

A cryptographic key that is digitally connected to an organization in order to allow for the HTTPS protocol to be used on a website.

Title tag

Also known as a meta title or a meta title tag, this HTML element is used to describe the specific topic of a webpage and is displayed on the tabbed top bar of a web browser.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

The address for the specific webpage a web browser is viewing.

UI (User Interface)

The area in which a user interacts with something on a digital device.

UX (User Experience)

How a user interacts with a website or app (where they click, what pages they visit, etc.).

A rudimentary drawing of a website that is used as the first step in the entire design process.

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

A type of language designed to allow for customizable tags to be marked up in order to provide information that would otherwise be difficult for computers to understand.

XML sitemap

A document that outlines all of the relevant pages on a website in order to help search engine crawler bots find all of the pages on a website.

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