Google AdWords Click-To-Text Message Extension to go Live – Digital Marketing Roundup – Digivate

Nowadays, visual-centric technologies are taking huge presence in our lives. coque iphone 2019 soldes Augmented, virtual and mixed reality are providing more immersive experiences, that bring new ways of communication for us. So what does this mean for SEO?

Visual technologies point to a future of search that makes image optimization even more important. It will be crucial to consider facts such as the image’s resolution, whether the image clearly showcases the product or not, the use of filters and if the image is easily recognizable as being a specific product. Other image SEO tips will also remain essential like using descriptive file names, providing title tags and captions, creating image XML sitemaps and optimizing file size for loading speed.

So as these new technologies become more prevalent in our lives, cameras could soon be considered the new search box. We are visual creatures and are more likely to interact with visual content, so we should embrace the new visual future of search!

The newest Google extension is coming out of beta, and will soon allow users to connect with advertisers via SMS. The call and message extensions will be served in cards below the main ad, so in this way, it will be possible to include call to actions in the extension text.

In addition, another new feature is that users are able to edit the message before sending it; this also poses a great opportunity for advertisers to help users save time by creating a previous text for the message that anticipates what the user is interested in.

Following the announcement, Google also released a best practices guide for advertisers to start understanding how message extensions work.

Both of the US presidential candidates have failed to use free space in Google, something that would have given them guaranteed listings in Google for their name. coque iphone The presidential race is really heating up now with just weeks to go, so the feature could have given extra strength to the candidates. While Clinton started using it again on Tuesday, Trump seems to have forgotten it all together.

So why isn’t Trump’s side interested? Trump never focused very much on free space in Google, especially since his campaign has shown gaps of 6 months between posts. coque iphone x On the other hand, Clinton’s campaign has been far more consistent regarding this fact.

Interestingly, both campaigns are running paid ads on Google – so it seems strange that they would pay for advertising, but not make use of the free ones. The end of the presidential race is coming, and in the digital age online exposure is crucial for the candidates, so we’ll see if they pick up on the feature again!

Social media now plays a major part in the development of a brand’s business strategy, requiring a lot of management due to its changing and unpredictable nature. coque iphone 6 So here’s our summary of these Do’s and Don’ts of social media marketing:

1) Have a strategy:

Having a strategy is key to social media management as it will give a clear outline of the goals that need to be achieved.

2) Use the right tools

Keeping up with the rapidly changing nature of social media and marketing is not something that can be managed alone. Utilising the right tools can make everything easier.

1) Try to please everyone

Pleasing everyone who visits your platform is an impossible task, as an audience can have many conflicting opinions and needs. The key is to choose a specific audience and aim to understand them.

2) Lose Your personal touch

Having a unique selling point is very key, especially when it comes to social media. It’s a market space saturated by competition, so therefore it is vital to keep your targeted audience engaged.

The use of social media as a source of knowledge and news has both positive and negative implications. coque iphone 8 We are now able to access and share a story instantly, meaning today’s news works in real time. On the flipside of this, the latest viral video can get as much exposure as a major news event, leading to blurred lines between authentic stories, and the not so authentic.

The newest online craze to make mainstream news is the ‘killer clown’ epidemic, in which minor pranks have turned into a serious problem for law enforcement in the US and other countries. In many cases, leads have turned out to be pranks, causing unnecessary panic and commotion within communities. Will the purging of this clown epidemic lead to a more restricted social media in the future?

If you thought Halloween was scary enough, Tivoli is offering an experience that is out of this world. coque iphone 8 Pokémon Go was the first of many brands to come to use AR technology to give consumers a chance to explore a different world themselves, and now Tivoli have followed by introducing a frightening new zombie experience available to consumers straight from their phones.

The Scandinavia brand have created a virtual experience, playable as a game that requires just a day to complete, leaving no room for a boring moment.