Some Valuable Facts About Google Webmaster Tools
Google Webmaster Tools is a nice suite of Google SEO tools, which provides configuration and analytical control for any website in Google. When you are doing any SEO on your site, whether it is link building, content management or even social media optimization, you really don’t know how to make the most of it. Often, SEO isn’t as simple and straightforward as just following some rules.
Google Webmaster Tools automates this process, allowing you to have less to worry about and more time to focus on what’s important. Google Webmaster Tools will allow you to take advantage of all the tools Google offers in order to build your website more effectively. If you don’t get value out of GWT, then you either have an unpaid tool which re-uses GWT information or you’re an unseen goldmine laying just off the Google Map.
It is not surprising that many Internet marketers have decided to go with Google Webmaster Tools in an effort to fully leverage their websites for search engine results. Google is, without a doubt, the largest search engine on the net today and is considered the number one optimization tool by many professionals.
In order to get to the top of the search engine rankings, it is imperative that your website be optimized using Google Webmaster Tools, which does just that. Not only does this provide you with the opportunity to fully optimize your web pages for search engines, but it also allows you to create structured data and even include Meta tags, which are important for both SEO and search engine rankings.
The most popular feature that Google Webmaster Tools offers is their Google sitemap service. Google offers two different versions of the sitemap service, a free version and a premium version. For those who want more extensive information on how Google calculates the location of their web pages, you should take a look at their premium site while the free version will suffice for most.
The Google Webmaster Tools landing page analyzes the behavior of visitors to your site. It includes, among other things, the date and time they clicked on the link to your landing page, where they are coming from within the search engines and what keywords were used to target them. The Google Analytics Content Detail reports analyze which keywords were used to optimize each web page. Another great feature is the Google Analytics Insights report. Here you will learn what portion of the web pages were tracked, how often, and the exact amount of money each of these items generated.
Google’s other two components, Google indexes and Google alerts, can be used to monitor and manage the activity on your site as well. Google indexes, or indexes everything on the Internet under the umbrella of Google indexes your webpages according to your content, keywords, and other factors. Google alerts is an email newsletter that you can customize to send you any pertinent information whenever Google indexes your webpages. This saves you time because you don’t have to manually check each page to see if it has been indexed.
Google also offers webmaster tools for tracking the crawl errors on your SEO, or search engine optimization. Google offers many different options to analyze crawl errors, such as per-page analysis, URL rewriting, errors per click, and errors per million impressions. Google also offers detailed information on error domains. Google crawls the Internet and checks relevant websites to find relevant sites that may need re-crawl approval, and the Google Webmaster Tools provides an overview of these approvals.
Google’s mobile usability evaluation tool is also available. By providing links to your mobile website in the Google Webmaster Tools section you can get a more precise link popularity calculation. Google recommends using all Google crawl indicators to make sure your site is properly optimized for mobile and that it is getting maximum possible exposure.
Google does not currently support mobile analytics; however, third-party companies such as Google Analytics provide complete Google analytics solutions that will help you monitor your mobile website and the results of your SEO efforts. The Mobile Compatibility section provides some advice on integrating Google with mobile-friendly platforms, which can help your SEO efforts and can give you insight into Google’s future algorithm updates.
Google Webmaster Tools will help you understand more about Google’s ranking algorithms and how they are being used by various search engines. If you are having difficulty understanding Google’s Webmaster Tools interface, there are many Google online tutorials and guides you can use.
Google also offers a tutorial that teaches you how to optimize your web pages for Googlebot. Webmasters should be aware that Google will continually add new features, such as the Google Webmaster Tools, to help users better navigate their websites. Understanding Google’s Webmaster Tools will help you become more successful with your Google SEO efforts.
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