Google’s Firebase Dynamic Links and How it Helps Your Digital Marketing –

As a small business owner, you might realize it’s virtually impossible to keep up with google and its new technology. However, it’s also likely that you know doing so can lead to great advancements for your business. From finding new business leads to increased web traffic, to a greater online presence, Google’s tools can help your business thrive with online marketing. Their Firebase Dynamic Links are just one more tool in your digital marketing arsenal.

Take a look at what this new program can do and how it works:

Dynamic Links from Google’s Firebase

Dynamic links are “smart URLs” that allow you to point others in a location through your app. What’s more, is that these links stay in place during the app installation process, which means they’re available to new users. Dynamic links are free to use, no matter how many people click them, or how many you add.

Dynamic links are considered “deep links” that allow you to send users to content within your app, without the user losing their place. It’s a problem solved that the 21st century didn’t know it had.

Consider them the super link that connects you to your customers, without complications, and without technical stops getting in the way. 

Even better is that users can share info with friends and families, without the dreaded onboarding process. Increase your sign-on rates by making the process easier, smoother, and less complicated. This is a great way to gain new customers with ease of the process. 

Additional perks come with Dynamic Links and their ability to be sent directly to a phone. Get desktop users visiting your site from their smartphones or tablets. While users can also share content directly to social media.

Take out the sign-up process and keep links working, even as an app’s being installed. These Dynamic Links advance your presence online and allow your content to be accessed easier, by more users, without fear of additional complications.

What’s to Be Gained From Ease of Use?

More than 60% of users have contacted a business via a direct link online. And in the last two years alone, traffic for users searching businesses near them have gone up by 250% — that’s some serious.

The easier you can make it for folks to find you, and to contact you, the more likely they are to do it. All you have to do is provide the links. Allow them to send, share, click, and explore your site in the meantime.

How to Integrate Firebase to Your Small Business App

Ready to get started with Firebase? Here’s how you can get it linked to your small business’s app. Contact Stand And Stretch to learn about your digital marketing options.

Ready to learn how Dynamic Links can help you and your small business? Ready to take your digital marketing efforts to the next level? Contact Stand And Stretch today for your custom look at progress, no strings attached. We’re here to take your call. 

Bethaney Phillips is a freelance writer and editor turned SEO specialist with 10 years of professional digital writing experience. She enjoys working with clients and putting their ideas into informative content. She is also a military spouse entrepreneur advocate, volunteering, and writing in MilSpo spaces. When not working, she can be found chasing around two toddler boys.

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