Discover how AI can be used by your marketing team to perform everyday tasks.
You’ve probably heard about artificial intelligence (AI), and big data. These are popular topics, especially with the rise of chatbots and digital assistants.
AI is not as complicated as we imagine. We often think of those green Matrix figures rolling down the screen. When you begin to Google something, autocomplete will help fill in the remainder of your search. We all use AI in some way more than we realize.
It can be hard for marketing teams, who assume AI to be highly technical, to understand how it fits into their work. Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly accessible to all marketers, regardless of their business size, budget, or skill level.
This guide will cover the basics of AI including:
- What is AI?
- How AI works
- AI Marketing: How to Use AI in your marketing strategy

What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is often used interchangeably with Machine Learning. Although they’re related, they’re not the same.
AI is a field of Computer Science that aims to mimic human intelligence in machines. This vast field covers everything from developing systems that can learn and solve problems to programming computers to behave like humans.
Machine learning is an AI subset that ensures computers learn and adapt to new data each time. machine-learning is a technology that makes computers more efficient at solving problems.
AI began as an attempt to automate simple tasks that needed human intelligence. AI is now a part of modern life. AI powers everything from self-driving vehicles and smart homes to intelligent personal assistants and social media platforms.
What is AI?
It may sound like artificial intelligence is a post-apocalyptic technology, but it is quite simple.
AI is based on the idea that a computer can be programmed to determine the best possible way to reach a desired result. The more data that the AI tool can process over time, the better it becomes at achieving the desired outcome.
Think of a real-life example.
Netflix has created its internal artificial intelligence for marketing movies and TV series. In this instance, the goal is to encourage a user to watch more Netflix content. Netflix’s AI analyzes the data of a customer, compares that to other customers, and then, using predictive analytics, suggests a movie or a show to watch.
AI marketing becomes more effective at recommending relevant content to the user the more the AI is exposed to content.
Netflix’s marketing strategy is similar to that of other companies (by interpreting customer data to suggest similar products or similar products to encourage further purchases).
You may be thinking “That’s awesome, but Netflix has its own complicated internal AI system. I’m just a small company!” AI marketing is still a bit out of reach.” Although you are right that AI is a multi-billion-dollar industry, small businesses can still use some AI solutions.

What are easy ways to implement AI marketing?
AI marketing has also evolved over the last few years. AI marketing is now easier to use, accessible, and affordable.
Marketers are beginning to see the huge potential benefits of using AI solutions for some of their heavy liftings.
Here are some ways to easily integrate AI into your marketing:
AI Marketing Tools on Social Media Platforms
Each social media platform, and we mean each platform, uses its own AI processes to provide the best possible customer experience for users and advertisers. Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn all sift user data to deliver content that’s highly personalized to the user’s personal preferences, as well as ads that will convert.
Apple’s iOS14, which allows users to control tracking/cookies from third parties, may have you wondering whether it’s worth it to invest in social media ads when the targeting isn’t as precise as it used to be.
These apps have access to the first-party data collected by them (information that is directly collected within the app) and can therefore still get a good idea about what users are interested in, as well as what type of advertising will encourage users to convert.
To learn more about third-party cookies, check out this article.
How can you take advantage of the AI built into social media? You just have to let it run its course. You select a campaign goal when you create a marketing campaign in an advertising platform. The AI of the platform will then deliver the ad based on the user’s conversion rate, age, location, interest, and creativity.
The longer the ad runs, the better the platform is at reaching the goals you chose when you created the campaign. If your creative is converting well, you may be able to run it for up to a year after a few tweaks.

AI chatbots
Installing an AI Chatbot can be a simple and inexpensive way to use AI in your marketing. An AI chatbot is created by feeding it answers to frequently asked questions. Over time, the chatbot becomes more adept at answering questions.
Chatbots provide a better user experience to users who interact with your website. They allow you to answer questions outside of normal business hours, which is especially helpful for users in different time zones.
AI for SEO
SEO is a process that takes time and requires constant attention. It can be a laborious task for your marketing team. The research stage is data-heavy and can be time-consuming, as well as the implementation of SEO-focused copywriting.
SEO is a valuable tool for many businesses, but only a few understand the time it takes to see results. This can range from 3-12 months. Some companies need help to justify this investment, as the rewards are only realized over a long period.
AI technology can reduce the time it takes to create SEO-driven, well-written content. This allows digital marketers to produce more content faster, giving them an edge when they start seeing results for their SEO efforts on their sites.
Search engine optimization can be improved in three ways by AI.
1. Site hygiene
You don’t want to spend a lot of time and money on making your website SEO-friendly, only to be penalized for having a few HTTP Pages in your sitemap or missing metadata. There are many (affordable!) AI Tools crawl your website for you and make sure that it is in top shape.
2. Keyword search
The sheer volume of data can make keyword research a laborious and daunting task. SEO tools can sort through data and give you a better idea about the keywords that will attract customers.
These tools also use AI to analyze your website, and then provide keywords and questions that are related. This helps identify content gaps.
It’s important to remember that many of the tools that offer site cleanliness also provide keyword research. So even if you choose to pay for the paid version, you will still get a good deal.
3. Create your content
It can take years to create good content. Having an AI tool do some of the heavy liftings for you can reduce turnaround time significantly. The more content that you can add to your website, the better for SEO.
The tools aren’t flawless, but with some human editing, AI-written content can be as effective as that written by a professional copywriter. This article was largely written by AI tools.
Hire an AI-specialist digital agency
This is the most costly way to integrate AI into your digital marketing, but it’s the easiest. An agency that specializes in AI can handle all of this and include all costs in their service charges.
They can also help you to refine your campaigns and projects and speed up turnaround times. This allows your marketing team more time to focus on more important tasks than sorting through keyword data.
Do you want to know more about AI services? You can narrow down your search by using our list of top AI companies.

Artificial intelligence can help you with your marketing.
Artificial intelligence has a very important place in digital marketing today, but not enough companies are taking advantage of it. Artificial intelligence is now so advanced that even novices can use it to their advantage.
This article should have provided some simple ways for you to integrate AI into your marketing strategies.
The post Harness the Power of AI in Digital Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide appeared first on Kobe Digital.
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