How A Law Firm Should Handle Their Digital Marketing Even In The Most Competitive Niches Of Law

The law sector for the most part understands that search
engine rankings are going to drive leads and traffic to the site which results
in new clients. The cost of acquisition per client differs immensely as a bankruptcy
attorney has less potential to earn with one client than a personal injury
attorney would. The budgets are going to have to be higher for firms that have
competitors that are putting in thousands of dollars per month on digital
marketing. A great strategy can allow a smaller firm to compete with a much
larger firm but they have to be creative and focus on content quality. The
following are tips to help succeed in digital marketing in even the most
competitive areas of law.

Establish Marketing Campaign Goals

A Nashville
Injury Attorney or an injury attorney for that matter wants to have the
highest number of quality clients possible. Getting a person into a meeting for
a consult does not always mean that the firm is going to take their case.
Marketing campaign goals need to be established so it can be determined whether
the campaign went well or failed overall. A goal could be to climb up search
engine rankings for a specific phrase which can have immense impacts on leads
generated from the website. Establish these goals first then put a marketing
strategy together with these goals in mind.  

Take A Look At What Top Competitors Are Doing

The one thing that many marketing companies will tell a firm
is to look at what their competitors are doing. This can close the gap in
search engine rankings quickly by building links on sites that have linked back
to the competitor’s site. You will also be able to see if they are going after
a quantity marketing campaign or a quality marketing campaign. Quantity campaigns
that do not adhere to Google guidelines can result in a Google penalty or a
complete deindexing of the site from the search engine. This can be hard to
overcome and will cripple business in terms of online leads for the foreseeable

Online Reputation Management Only Needs To Be Done If Something Has Gone
Poorly For The Law Firm

Online reputation management should only be done if there
has been an issue. The mismanaging of a case or an arrest of an attorney at a firm
are perfect examples of these. Marketing companies that insist on ORM services
for a company that has never had a negative PR event is just a waste. This
budget could easily be used for other forms of marketing that will deliver better
results in terms of ROI.

Content Should Educate Instead Of Scare Potential Clients

Informing clients instead of using scare tactics is far more
effective for a law firm. Explaining the complexities in simple terms will show
a potential client handling their legal case themselves simply is not a good
idea. Hiring a full-time writer is not necessary as a freelancer can handle both
the blog content as well as offsite content for other publications for link
building campaigns. Take the time to see commonly asked questions on the website
or in person to help generate content that is entertaining as well as informative
to website visitors.

As you can see this is just the tip of the iceberg for law
firm digital marketing. Details are extremely important as earning one more
client could be a huge case for a firm. Increase your client base on a monthly
basis to consistently grow a law firm.

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