What did yourDMAC’s Online Digital Marketing Course Do for Me?
Before the Course
I was a recent university graduate. Having finished a degree in Business Management, specializing in finance, I was struggling to find my way in the ‘real world’. I had decided that I wanted to pursue a career in marketing, but I wasn’t finding it easy to land an entry level job. This is a pretty common experience for new graduates lacking actual work experience. University degrees offer a lot of theoretical knowledge, but lack the practical knowledge and experience employers covet.
Having spent a frustratingly long period of time searching for a job, I decided I needed to rethink my approach. With this in mind I decided to do everything I could to make myself more valuable to potential employers. I worked on bulking up my resume by completing certificates I believed would improve my marketing skillset. These included Google’s Analytics and Adwords online certifications.
Finding yourDMAC
I really enjoyed the Google courses I took; however, I didn’t have a broad understanding of Digital Marketing, and therefore I felt I wasn’t getting the most out of those courses. I was learning skills, but I wasn’t given enough of an opportunity to use them, so they weren’t being reinforced as much as I would have liked.
That’s when I found the yourDMAC Digital Marketing Course. I was drawn to the course for its broad scope. Promising to give me a complete understanding of all the tools I’d need to start working immediately in the field. Their promise of success coaches, who were trained digital marketers, available to assist in my education was a real advantage. I decided to jump right in and started the course the next day!
My Experience with The Course
Having quite a bit of experience with online courses, both in university, and in certificate courses for Google, I knew to keep my expectations tempered. I was blown away by the course right away. The first section was filled with modules that gave me a great overview of the world of digital marketing. Setting the stage well for the second section where I was given practical and applicable SKILLS. The course does a great job of teaching you not only what to do, but how to do it. I keep my notes from the course handy to this day, and referring to them is often easier than searching online when I’m looking for step by step guides to follow for
certain tasks.
On of the most gratifying parts of the course was definitely the final assignment. I chose to analyze my friends company. It was a great experience, not only for me, but my friend as well. He told me after I sent him my final report that it was extremely professional, and asked if I could implement some of my recommendations on his site. Getting this response from him confirmed my belief, and the courses proclamation, that completion of this course would give me the ability to immediately begin working in digital marketing.
After the Course
After completing the course, the first thing I noticed was the abundance of jobs now available to me in digital marketing. The need for top notch Digital Marketing has become clear to every business, even those which have been operating successfully the same way for the past 50 years. The percentage of interviews I was granted based on my resume increased drastically right away once I put my Digital Marketing certification on it. Employers were excited about that skill even when the job wasn’t specifically in digital marketing!
I recently landed a job outside the field of digital marketing, but the certification was vital in my hiring. The hiring manager told me specifically that she was impressed with my understanding of the need to continuously educate myself to remain at the forefront of the changing business landscape. I was able to land a job on a dynamic growing team, in a fast paced environment because my Digital Marketing skills showed I was able to keep up with the times.
My Advice
I’ve already recommended this course to a few of my friends and colleagues. The course is designed as a powerful learning tool. I know that it jumpstarted my career, and gave me access to opportunities I wouldn’t have been able to reach without the certification, including my current job! This course is a great opportunity for new graduates, as well as those with established careers to learn about Digital Marketing with a focus on practical and applicable strategies instead of just learning the theory.
That’s my story. Learn as much as you can, about as many things as possible! Good Luck!
Experiencing an Online Digital Marketing Course as a High School Student | yourDMAC
Digital Marketing is a relatively new industry that is geared towards achieving marketing objectives with the use of digital technology. Being a high school student and looking to be more indulged in marketing in the future, I was lucky enough to experience the online Digital and Social Media Marketing course delivered by yourDMAC. As I was reaching the end of my high school years, I wanted to be able to have a clearer picture of the occupation I wished to pursue in the future. With the course that I took, I learned about the foundations of Digital Marketing and was then able to look deeper into my future career path. The course was also successful in increasing my interested in Digital and Social Media Marketing and inspired me to be interested in learning even more about this industry.
Why Digital Marketing?
In my mind, Digital Marketing is continuously expanding into a larger and more complex industry. It is very important that businesses and individuals learn as much as they can about Digital Marketing now so that in the future, they can have an advantage over their competition and be qualified to work within the Digital Marketing industry. It is clear to me that Digital Marketing will be the most important marketing and communication medium in the future if it isn’t already. Digital Marketing is also a field that is constantly evolving. Understanding this, combined with my interest in graphic design and marketing in general, I took my first steps toward Digital Marketing and enrolled in the yourDMAC online Digital Marketing course. I did this after reviewing various online course option and felt the yourDMAC course was the best suited to my requirements, schedule and budget.
Where to Start – an Online Digital Marketing Course
When looking to find the right online Digital Marketing course, you must consider what you will be learning, what the courses offers and of course, cost. The online course that I took was the Digital & Social Media Marketing Fundamentals course offered by yourDMAC. After my experience with the course I can say that yourDMAC has a lot to offer for people new and wanting to learn about Digital and Social Media Marketing but also for individuals who have experience in Digital Marketing that are looking to learn more. This course is highly exceptional for developing a strong practical knowledge of Digital Marketing. The course did not only focus on theory but also provided clear step by step instructions on how to create and implement Digital Marketing campaigns covering every major channel.
When deciding on purchasing this course I felt that yourDMAC was highly credible, as it was created by Digital Marketing experts who have plenty of real-life agency experience. They are not simply lecturers reading from a text book. There are many real -life example used throughout the course with real agency tools and materials to help you understand the concepts clearly. One of the reasons I chose this course is that they make a point of constantly updating the course material (Google changes their algorithms almost every day!). I didn’t want to take a course that would be outdated or have stale information a few months or year later. It would be inferior to be learning from only outdated information and statistics.
The course that I took with yourDMAC was properly structured into two sections that consist of several modules. The first section is very introductory to Digital Marketing, teaching things about the internet’s origin, SEO, website UX, and metrics just to mention a few. From this, I was able to build a basic understanding of Digital Marketing and it was a good set up for the second section of the course which was much more detailed. The second section focuses on Social Media Marketing, and thoroughly goes through the planning, creation, execution and tracking of the top social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp for Business.
What I found to be a terrific aspect of the course was how users are assessed throughout the course. After every few modules are completed within the course, there follows a quiz. These quizzes allow for users to test their own knowledge on what they recently learned and show one’s progression throughout the course. At the very end of the course, there is a final assignment that I found to be very hands-on and interactive. Being a high school student, this final assignment was a new experience for me and allowed me to apply what I learned to a real-life scenario. The assignment is marked by a Digital Marketing professional that provides a score and constructive feedback. I was able to make the most of this and learn a lot from the online Digital Marketing course, gaining a lot of knowledge and experience.
Most important for me, it allowed me to make a decision to pursue Digital Marketing further in my university education.
My Experience
When I started the course, I found it very straightforward and intriguing. I learned a lot of information about Digital Marketing that was fairly new to me. I found that the modules were all filled with notable information about Digital Marketing, and there were not any boring or dry parts. Being a high school student and a Generation Z’er, I grasped more knowledge of a subject that I was already familiarized with. This made me more interested in Digital Marketing. I also made sure that I took notes as I was learning from the online course because I found a lot of information to be very important and worthy to keep noted for time to come.
I did not take a long time to get through the course as I had completed it entirely working on it about one hour per day over one month. Within this month, I was writing the quizzes that allowed me to see how much I really knew about Digital Marketing as I was learning. I was working through the course quickly because I was clearly enjoying the experience. When I reached the end of the course it was time for me to do the final assignment on the course in order to earn my certification. The final assignment was actually one of my best experiences from the course, as I was able to demonstrate to myself how much I had learned from the course and reflect on something in real life (which was part of the assignment).
How I Progressed
Before taking the online course, I had much to learn about Digital Marketing. I was looking to better myself and expand my knowledge of marketing. I was also not 100% sure of what I wanted to continue to eventually study in university after I graduate from high school. This course clearly helped me make my decision to pursue Digital Marketing as a career.
I had learned much more than I expected to from the course. Just to list one example, before I took the online course, I did not know much information about SEO (search engine optimization) or website User Experience etc. After completing the course, I had a solid understanding of SEO and was able to clearly communicate about it. The online course certainly increased my interest in Marketing and Digital/Social Media Marketing even more than I did before. From taking the online Digital Marketing course and getting that online Digital Marketing training, I can see a clearer future for myself and now can see a potential career path that I can follow. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that I am just graduating high school next year and I am already certified in Digital and Social Media Marketing.
Advice for New Students
One thing that cannot be taken from you is what you know. Therefore, it is important to always learn new things. As I am a high school student, I took the opportunity to learn more about Digital Marketing for myself. This opportunity I gave myself allowed me to learn more about Digital Marketing and myself, making it a highly beneficial experience. It is also critical to stay informed in a field that is constantly evolving. I recommend the courses with yourDMAC to anyone looking for online Digital Marketing training. Another recommendation I have is to take notes for yourself, as it will most likely be useful in time to come.
About yourDMAC | Online Social Media & Digital Marketing Courses & Training
YourDMAC is committed to your success in content marketing and blogging. Our online Digital Marketing courses set up all professionals, whether novice or experienced, for success and helps them develop winning Digital Marketing strategies that have the potential to transform their business. Alternatively, we offer customized corporate training workshops for corporate marketing teams looking to upgrade their Digital and Social Media marketing skills. We work collaboratively with all businesses, both big and small, to understand their corporate vision, marketing goals and objectives and help develop winning Digital Marketing strategies that will lead them to success in the least amount of time. Contact us today and see how we can put your Digital Marketing career on the right track.
Pre-Course Experience
Before I acquired the online Digital Marketing course and started studying at YourDMAC, I successfully completed my bachelor in International Business Management. Earlier, I didn’t know what line of business I wanted to specialize in. In this way, I figured that learning a bit of everything might help me find my passion, and it certainly did. Marketing intrigued me and with only studying the basics, I wanted to discover more.
My Experience with the yourDMAC Online Digital Marketing Course
I eventually stumbled onto digital when I attended a seminar about technology and its rapid pace. I found that Digital Marketing is a huge umbrella with various areas. Presenting me with numerous opportunities to gain knowledge. Being confronted with the same issue of choosing a focus area, I bumped into YourDMAC. The learning institution offers various online Digital Marketing courses to choose from. I decided to choose the Digital and Social Media Marketing Fundamentals Course. The online Digital Marketing training helped me to get a taste of everything, yet taught me how to properly set up a social media campaign. From SEO and PPC to the basics of Google Ads, I got everything I needed to get started and make my decision. The course offers you a complete picture of the different aspects, and most importantly, you are not being buried in theory. The course remains focused on the practical angle of it all.
Additionally, living in Belgium, Europe, I was delighted to find out the courses are offered online and are on-demand. I didn’t have to travel anywhere, nor move to another country. I could study the course at my own pace in the comfort of my own home. This might sound as if you have to get through everything under your own steam, but the truth represents differently. Throughout my 90-day online course, I was aided by their success coaches that the yourDMAC Digital Marketing training offers. They help you during the process and answered all my questions along the way. They gave me helpful advice and tips. Especially at the time of the final assignment, where you have to convert your knowledge into practice.
Furthermore, the fact that the Digital Marketing course does not only focus on theory, will certainly help me in my future career. It properly explains to you step-by-step how to set up a social media campaign. Being a young graduate, you are constantly confronted with the reality of lacking practical experience. After completing this online course and final assignment, I feel confident using my knowledge and executing the theory right away without any doubts or uncertainties. This was important for me. Other online course experiences I have had were effective for transmitting theoretical and text book knowledge, but not enough practical knowledge and experience.
My advice to you
In general, the course is a great way to get an extensive overview of a Digital Marketing strategy, with a focus on a social media approach. In my case, it helped me decide upon what I wanted to specialize in and offered me various insights into online Digital Marketing. So, if you are a young graduate who has a passion for marketing but is still in doubt which way to go. I would definitely recommend taking a look at the different Digital Marketing courses offered by yourDMAC.
Graduating can be exciting, yet scary. Adjusting to life after college can be tough and deciding which route to take next might feel overwhelming. Therefore, I believe the Digital Marketing Fundamentals course is a great next step. It allows you to grow at your own pace and offers you practical knowledge in preparation for life after graduation.
Whether you’re a recent graduate or a professional who needs to upskill, the yourDMAC courses will provide you with practical Digital Marketing skills, knowledge and experience to drive your career forward.
Why Choosing the yourDMAC Online Digital Marketing Course was a Game Changing Decision for My Life
The journey before the course
For a long time after graduating high school in 2013, I was directionless. I had a good educational background and was confident in my academic ability however, without a career direction I could not embark on a targeted plan for my future. This caused my life to spiral downward. I moved from city to city, and to my home country (India) and back; looking for tranquility, spirituality and a focus in life. I discovered Digital Marketing 2 years ago in India, at a seminar by DSIM (Delhi School of Internet Marketing). There, I was able to ascertain the potential of the Digital Marketing industry in India and the developing world. However, I found the teaching methodology of the school to be redundant, and felt that a classroom based course is not right for teaching skills in Digital Marketing.
In 2018 my family circumstances led me to reside in Toronto, Canada. I took a 3-month crash course in Digital Marketing by Simplilearn, and found that the course was not exactly teaching me any practical concepts that I needed in order to get a job and have a career in this field.
How I got to yourDMAC?
After the Simplilearn course, I put Digital Marketing on the backburner. My priorities shifted to starting a computer programming course (which I also ended up dropping) at Seneca College, in Toronto.
I found the yourDMAC Digital and Social Media Marketing course online and contacted the school. After speaking with their team on several occasions through email and by phone, I decided to take the course. Frankly, I invested a good chunk of my savings into the yourDMAC course. However, I felt that I needed to make the investment in order to see if this course would impact my Digital Marketing career.
My Experience With The Course
I knew that the course was different and what I was looking for from the get-go. It didn’t feel cumbersome, and it was a very practical course indeed. For the first time in more than 5 years, I felt I was doing something worthwhile and invested all my energies into it.
What I enjoyed most about the course was the practical and step by step instructions and the way students are assessed in the final assignment. Given my experience in writing research papers, I was very pleased with this form of assessment. It minimizes any chances of plagiarism (especially in regards to online courses) and it truly tests your in-depth knowledge in Digital Marketing concepts. It got me into thinking deeply and analytically, before submitting the final assignment.
Intellectual honesty and academic integrity should be the key part of any educational institution, and I felt that most firmly with yourDMAC. Whether it was their approach to the course, or the help provided by their student Success Coaches (a rarity in online education).
What I got from the course
Words cannot describe the gratitude I feel towards yourDMAC. They gave me back the confidence that I had lost in myself after years of failures, and thankfully what strengthened my education even further was the internship that I was awarded after applying to their internship program. They accept 6 interns per year based on their assignment grade and immigration status. Within a few weeks, I was able to apply the concepts I learned and was able to easily churn out valuable web content for SEO purposes. I am currently doing a remote Content Marketing contract for a start-up company called Nicho, in Atlanta GA. My training with yourDMAC gave me such a solid edge, that I am now capable of specializing solidly in my Digital Marketing niche (Content Marketing).
Why I Would Recommend Taking the yourDMAC Digital MarketingCourses
It is very rare that opportunities like yourDMAC come knocking at your door. If you are someone who wants to get started on a solid career in Digital Marketing in the most optimum time period possible (courses run from 10-30 hours online) , then these courses will help you get started or upgrade your current marketing career.
There is no question, it takes effort and resilience to say the least. But when an online course delivers tangible results to you, I strongly recommend you give it a try.
This is my yourDMAC story. Go ahead and make your own story and watch your Digital Marketing goals come to life!
Testimonial – Mahan Taba | Prior Experience
Prior to starting yourDMAC’s Digital Marketing course, I was relatively familiar with the subject. Owning my own E-commerce business and running its social media page made me believe I already had solid foundations on the matter. This belief quickly changed after completing the Digital Marketing Fundamentals course offered by yourDMAC. The course taught me the vast potential of Digital Marketing and and also showed me specific, actionable strategies that, when implemented, increase substantially one’s ability for success.
Choosing the Right Online Digital Marketing Course
As a busy student and business owner, it was important to me that the course that I choose was flexible with time and location, simple to understand, and, most importantly, awarded me with a credible certificate highlighting my achievement.
Naturally, I searched for the best Digital Marketing courses in Toronto which is where I reside; I found yourDMAC’s courses aligned with my goals, and its trustworthy certification program helped make it a simple choice.
My primary goal in taking a Digital Marketing course was to help and improve the strategies I used to run my business. Not only did I achieve those objectives, but I also learned new tactics to advance my business and knowledge.
My Experience While taking the Digital Marketing Online Course
As soon as I started the course, it was clear to me that real professionals with legitimate experience in the field built the course. The course was perfectly organized in modules making it easy to follow and understand. At the end of every two or three modules, there were interactive quizzes that tested your knowledge and understanding of the material — the quizzes kept me focused and attentive on the content.
The first section of the program focused on the fundamentals of digital marketing, strategies, and genuinely understanding metrics and how to process, analyze, and take action. One of the takeaways I had from this section was the importance of installing a metric tracker like google analytics and Facebook pixel to my website. The data I have since accumulated has given a better understanding of my customer’s demographics and how they interact with the website.
The second section of the course covered all major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp for Business, explaining detailed strategies marketing on each platform. I was stunned by the number of mistakes I was making on my Instagram business page. Fixing the errors quickly boosted my follower’s count and engagement.
The course was finished by completing a comprehensive, hands-on an assignment, which was my favourite part of the course. The task allowed me to use the knowledge I obtained to create a project that has helped me change the way I manage my business and how analytics are approached.
The course also showed me things that I never thought about in Digital Marketing, such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The module on SEO provided me with extensive knowledge of its importance and applications. Currently, I’m taking measures to improve the optimization of my website.
The combination of great material and support from the yourDMAC success coach has proven to me that it is hands down the best online Digital Marketing in Toronto.
Tips for Future Students
The number one tip to ensure success with the course is to take notes. The notes I took while completing the course were an invaluable resource to complete the course and for future reference.
The second suggestion I’d have is not to be afraid to ask for help from the yourDMAC team and success coach. When I was working on my final assignment, the team provided me with excellent online tools to find needed information.
The third tip is to read the blogs on the yourDMAC website. Their blogs are an excellent source of information, which taught me a lot; the blogs are informative and most importantly updated with the latest information and best practices.
About yourDMAC | Online Social Media & Digital Marketing Courses & Training
YourDMAC is committed to your success in content marketing and blogging. Our online digital marketing course sets up all professionals, whether novice or experienced, for success and helps them develop winning digital marketing strategies that have the potential to transform their business. Alternatively, we offer customized corporate training workshops for corporate marketing teams looking to upgrade their digital and social media marketing skills. We work collaboratively with all businesses, both big and small, to understand their corporate vision, marketing goals and objectives and help develop winning digital marketing strategies that will lead them to success in the least amount of time. Contact us today and see how we can put your digital marketing career on the right track.