When prospective clients research attorneys online, it may take them some time to determine which person to contact. You can online with the proper marketing tactics in place, and continue to stay top of mind throughout their decision process.
A lead magnet is a gated piece of content that is downloadable in exchange for an email address or other contact information. Your firm can use this strategy to acquire contact information for prospective leads so that you can follow up with these individuals in the next phases of your marketing strategy. Here are a few creative lead magnets that you can create for your firm.
This is a content-rich digital book that demonstrates your thought leadership in the industry. When crafting the book, you can include content from previous blogs, presentations, and case studies. This is a great way to repurpose past content you have created and leverage it in your lead generation strategy.
A checklist allows clients to gain a better understanding of the processes and necessary materials they should have before engaging in a specific kind of case or lawsuit. Perhaps it’s ‘10 Things to Do Immediately After a Car Crash’ or ‘5 Questions You Must Ask Your Divorce Attorney.’ Empower potential clients with the knowledge they need and they will feel prepared to meet with you and feel confident in your experience with that type of case.
A newsletter sign-up form is a simple way to collect email addresses from website visitors.
It also allows you to continue to stay top of mind by touching prospects monthly, rather than providing a single piece of content. Your newsletter can include relevant blog posts, as well as news about your firm, testimonials and case studies.
This type of lead magnet helps you get insight into your prospective client’s wants, needs and pain points. Regardless of the questions you ask, a survey can help you determine how to interact effectively with your clients in the next steps of the marketing process.
Email marketing has a $40 return on investment for every dollar you spend, and effective lead magnets can help you add contacts to your email marketing list.
If you are not sure how to create a lead magnet, our team can help.
to help your law firm develop resources that demonstrate your knowledge and experience and engage prospective clients.
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