How has Covid changed Digital Marketing?
This past year has been so difficult for many throughout the world in different ways.
Some it was in impact on their family, others their job or business eliminated perhaps because it was determined
non-essential. But one thing is certain, the Covid pandemic has forever changed the human race and their overall
As we focus on 2021 and the future in front of us, we first must analyze these changes
to see how we should approach marketing our business to those individuals. Do we continue with the same old
marketing strategies? Or do we look at separating ourselves from our competitors?
Show me the money!
We have found that overall, an individual’s total screen time on mobile devices has
increased by over 7.3% online. When you consider this globally, that is over 316 million people! Social media users
increased by over 13.2% globally. These numbers, while they don’t seem overwhelming, are actually drastic in the
scheme of potential opportunity for your company’s online presence.
Separate your business from your competitors!
Now is the time to think outside the box. If you put yourself in your consumers shoes
during this time when they are online more than ever, what would you like to see?
Marketing has become more important than ever:
If you have more questions and would like to speak with a legal marketing professional
today, Contact us today at (888) 530-2935 or to get
started. By using a combination of (SEO), design, (PPC) advertising, marketing and marketing, we help our clients increase their online footprint. We
would be happy to provide you with a free SEO audit and let you know where you stand vs. your competition.
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