Today, we are super excited to announce Printivo Store; Our designer market place where everyone can create and sell designs on print products and earn 15% royalties on their designs. We are opening Printivo to everyone who can design to create their own print stores. We are no longer an online printing company. We are now an online printing platform.
Together, we print.
We have been asked this question over and over again: “Why open up the site to everyone?” The answer to this question is simple. The customers taught us to. We saw people trying to sell their own print products by ordering on Printivo and then trying to resell. People investing time, money and logistics into creating print products and then selling to their communities and circle of friends and so we decided to make it easy by giving everyone a platform that empowers all of us to design and sell print products online. Designers can now create customizable design templates on products like business cards, letterheads, flyers and branded merchandise products like mugs, iPhone cases, mouse pads and T-shirts. The good part, you don’t have to move a needle. Printivo will print, ship, manage the customer and handle returns. Just design away and start earning.
In December, I saw an event planner invest hundreds of thousands Naira into print merchandise. She sold out on the first day of her event. She told us “I wished we had enough money to invest into printing and a better way to distribute before the event and after the event. takes the burden off people like her. She can easily create a store on Printivo and send everyone her store’s link. Her followers can then buy directly from her Printivo store before and even after the event while we take away the need to invest her own money and resources. Printivo will handle printing, shipping and customer service while she earns 15% on all sales made on her store. A win-win for everyone.
We believe there’s a lot that can be done with Store:
- To graduating students who are used to forcing and canvassing everyone to contribute for class t-shirts, face caps etc, It’s the store where everyone can easily order their own graduating T-shirts and other merchandise.
- To the designer who wants to earn more, it’s an additional source of income where he can sell templates for products like business cards, letterheads, flyers etc.
- To communities and movements, it’s the best way to get the word out and earn by selling print merchandise to members and followers.
- To religious associations and fellowships, it’s a great way to share God’s words through print and get members to buy.
- Our friends at Afropolitan Vibes are also
- For Creative Girls also have their own store
Store’s possibilities are endless, this is just the beginning. There’s a lot customers will do with Store that we don’t know yet. We will continue to learn from everyone. Store will forever be a work in progress. We will continue to learn.
Everyone is invited
The next time you have a great idea, a meme, a new trend. Think of how much you can make selling them on print merchandise.
Creating your own print store is easy.
- Setup up your bank payment information (This is where your earnings will be sent to). Always follow the money
- Starting sharing your store and product links across social media platforms. Email your store’s link to friends. Share it on Whatsapp. Tell everyone about your store.
- Log into your dashboard to monitor your sales and activities on your store. Easily transfer your earnings into your bank account with one click.
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