How to Apply Techniques of AI in Digital Marketing
We all know how artificial intelligence is rapidly expanding its wings in the tech world. It has changed the way of doing manual computing operations, precisely by using advanced AI algorithms. This advancement is now letting AI enter in other fields as well. The impact of artificial intelligence in digital marketing is also quickly getting visible in the world. It has shown how web marketing can be automated to interact and communicate with people easily.
Today, AI is helping marketers to improve customer experiences with its range of tools. Using Chatbot on different types of websites, digital marketers can streamline the customer care process rapidly. This makes it easy for them to handle thousands of live visitors on the website without involving any manual resources.
Similarly, there are also other channels where AI is making an impact in digital marketing. In this article, we will take a look at different techniques of how AI is helping digital marketing to advance rapidly in the field. Let’s take a look at some core points that will help you explain the methods with which AI is bringing advancement in digital marketing.
5 AI Techniques to Use in Digital Marketing
Artificial intelligence is making a great impact in digital marketing. Here are some AI techniques every marketer should know about.
Personalized Communication
The importance of personalized communication in marketing is hardly doubted by anyone. It is the basic thing that can compel customers towards the business. The reason is that every individual wants to be heard personally. But given the shortage of resources, it is pretty difficult for some companies to entertain every other person separately. That is where the advantages of AI come into play.
Using fully automated chat systems, businesses can now feel at ease to answer every customer individually. This personalized communication is helping them to manage thousands of requests at one time. Consumers are attracted more towards those services that are able to interact with them personally. It is a great advantage AI is bringing for digital marketers, allowing them to streamline the customers’ communications easily.
Dynamic Pricing
We all know how much people are attracted to discounts. Those companies that offer regular discounts, precisely take copywriting services from the best agencies. Their professional copywriters help those companies to create engaging copies that can compel customers quickly.
It is often considered as the definite way to grab customers and increase conversions. AI can also play a big role here in terms of providing dynamic discounts as per the shopping behavior of customers. It can help stores to decide what type of discount should be given to a particular segment of customers depending on the demand and availability of products.
Again, the example of most demanded products on ecommerce stores like Amazon are quite relevant in this regard. We have seen a number of times how the pricing of certain products quickly goes up with the surge in demand. That is how dynamic pricing works, allowing marketers to plan and sell the products knowing their demand in the market.
SEO Assistance
Artificial intelligence has come a long way in SEO, specifically in the last couple of years. Today, Google has made its AI algorithms quite smart and they are just not dependent on keywords to find the correct search intent. It has become more proficient in knowing what type of specific material is required by the user and how it should be presented.
Besides Google, you can also take a look at the improvement of search algorithms in other platforms such as ecommerce stores. Some of the big giants like Amazon, eBay, and others have optimized their searching power, allowing people to easily find relevant products from an enormous database within minutes. These searching tools can also take care of misspells and grammatical errors on their own as well.
PPC Ad Optimization
Most marketers use A/B testing to know about the best-performing PPC ads. But, this technique comes up with a hefty price. It can eat a lot of your money on multiple campaigns, which is why cannot be considered when you have a limited business budget.
But using AI-powered systems, this can be quickly resolved. It will help you to plan and spend the campaign budget precisely according to the metrics of conversions and interactions. This means that you can automate the system with personalized expenditure choices.
For instance, if your ad isn’t performing well in bringing conversions, then it could be stopped automatically. This can ease a lot of your manual PPC handling tasks, allowing you to focus more on the analytical results.
Automated Marketing Tools
Marketing automation is the next big thing many companies are focusing on. It is simply becoming unbearable for marketers to manually write and send thousands of emails to customers. It is just not time-consuming, but also reduces your effort on other digital marketing operations.
Using AI-powered email tools, things can be ramped up pretty quickly. It allows you to automate the email sending process without doing much manual work. The potential email replies obtained from the first automated process can be then figured out by the marketers, just like picking the right candidate from a bunch of groups.
Besides this, there are other examples of AI-powered marketing softwares that can ease up a variety of functions such as rapid customer interactions, contacting leads and more others. All of these tools can simplify the routine tasks of digital marketers, so that they can focus more on extracting the end results.
Final Words
That concludes our whole article in which we have defined how AI can bring automation in marketing by using various techniques. This could allow marketers to feel at ease while doing multiple operations at a single time. It cannot only save their efforts, but could also allow them to think proactively about other jobs.
With a further rise of digital marketing in the future, all of these AI practices can become highly relevant for digital marketers. They can use a variety of AI tools and advanced practices to expand the marketing spectrum that will eventually allow their business to get more traffic and conversions.
This guest post was written by Anas Hassan, a design consultant at branding agency Logo Poppin. He has a deep interest in exploring trends of graphic design and digital marketing. Beside this, he is an avid football fan and enjoys an occasional steak dinner.
by Steve Hall
Topic: Tools
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