In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of businesses have begun discontinuing working from the office and instead turning to other means such as working from home. Long gone are the days that you would only be able to get work done in your physical office desk in the presence of your co-workers. Work channels and other digital platforms make it possible to keep communication constant, whether it be through sending files or via video chat for important meetings.
For those who have yet to experience work from home, it may seem easier said than done. Offices are places conducive to ensure maximum productivity and this can be one of the challenges of navigating through working from home. We have compiled a short guide on how to maximize your time working from home so you can breeze through it and get things done.
Have a Dedicated Office Space
Your biggest enemy to working from home is getting in that work mindset and this can be difficult when you are sitting at your couch or at the kitchen table. Having a dedicated space where you can keep focus is important, whether it means just clearing a table or picking a room to stay in where you would be working full time.
Part and parcel of this is making your environment ideal for productivity which means decluttering the mess in your desk and nearby surroundings. It is important to keep this neat as you would be spending most of your time working at home in this area.
Make a schedule and set boundaries
Because you would be working from home, it would be really easy to slip out of work time and into your personal time. This makes it important to make a schedule for yourself to ensure that you do not cross that boundary and still get that work-life balance.
One of the big advantages of working from home is being able to control your own time. Nobody knows how to optimize your productivity more than you so make the most out of this and let it work to your advantage. Block out time in your calendar for your own priorities and set your notifications accordingly. This means to also allot times for breaks that can help you best get back to maximum productivity.
Set ground rules with people in your home
Just because you are working at the comfort of your own house doesn’t mean you’re already free to run an errand or do chores on the dot. Set clear rules about when you are free to help around in the house and with other matters outside of your work. This would help you keep your productivity and still be able to help around the house at the right time.
Start and end your work hours with a routine
This is important as it creates a habit that both signifies the start of your workday and the end. Whether this be to make a cup of coffee before sitting down at your work desk or doing a stretching routine after your work hours have ended – it’s always nice to keep a routine going.
What this means for business owners
If you are a business owner thinking of letting your employees do their work from home, there is nothing to fear for a lot of businesses have taken up the same position. With the right tools to equip them for easy communicating no matter where they may be working from, there’s nothing to worry about in terms of productivity. Just know that there are many businesses out there, just like you, that are still fighting to stay in operations despite the global pandemic.
Having your business online is a good way to ensure that your brand is still felt despite not having an operational physical store or office. There is no better time to expand your business online than now. Get a team of experts to help you get started in navigating through the digital landscape. iManila remains open and contactable despite the pandemic. Reach us through our website, and drop us a question to find out how to get started in Digital!