How to become an Instagram Influencer in 2020: Mini guide of tips and tricks (The mini guides on digital marketing Book 1)

The continuous evolution of the internet and the consequent adaptation of people to this world has radically changed the way we observe reality. With the new millennium we are approaching new job skills created ad hoc for the web; this fact, thanks to the enormous potential and freedom of expression, allows you to design and experiment through a fast and impactful medium such as the internet, new ideas and contents. It is interesting to imagine the world of work before the advent of Social Media, based above all on sectorial valid jobs but restricted in particular company circumstances; nowadays the work vision has expanded considerably and we are beginning to perceive the true potential of Social Media. These enormous potentials, in addition to offering the ability to experiment and venture into new experiences, are making their way into the common imagination as a real high-level work. The percentage of people who try to pursue a career on the web, focusing their attention on popularity and their image, is on the rise. Social Media in perfect alignment with this concept is Instagram, the popular platform, is growing every year and characters of a certain importance are becoming more and more familiar with it. In this book we will focus on Instagram and how to become an influencer, highlighting the characteristics to be valued and the mistakes to avoid.

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Irinel Panacci, Bucharest, Romania, 10 October 1993.
He is an Italian writer and railway worker.
He has published on Amazon:
– Simply Jep (2020)
– How to Become an Instagram Influencer (2020)

Follow him on:

– Web: /
– Gumroad: /irinelpanacci
– Facebook: /panacci.irinel
– Instagram: /irinelpanacci
– Twitch: /irinelshow
– Twitter: /irinelpanacci
– YouTube: /irinelshow

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