Whether you are hosting a keynote presentation, a three-day workshop or attending an industry exhibition, it is vital that you use digital marketing to your advantage. Make sure that your customers and potential customers know what you are planning and why they need to take note of what you are doing by following these steps to creating a corporate event digital marketing campaign:
- Choose The Platforms You Will Be Using
Do you have a big following on Facebook and LinkedIn? Or will you need to publish a media release in an industry publication? Determine where your content will get the most reach so that you know which platforms to target.
- Plan in Advance
Nobody can attend an event on a week’s notice, so make sure your content strategy is planned for at least three months in advance. Create a content calendar that shows what type of content you need to post on each platform. You could commit to a weekly blog post on your own blog, a monthly syndicated blog post in an industry magazine or website, and bi-weekly social media updates. Use email marketing to reach out to people who will be at the event.
- Check Out Hashtags And Use Social Listening Tools
Many times, large events will have dedicated hashtags for the event. You can follow hashtags on Instagram so keep an eye on the content that is being produced on this platform and use social media listening tools to follow the hashtag and relevant people on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn as well.
- Pique Their Interest
If you or someone from your company is presenting, or if you have an exhibition stand, create multimedia content that shows people what they can expect from your brand. You could, for example, create a YouTube video with an elevator pitch of what your keynote presentation will be about. You could also post photos and bios of the people who will be manning your stand at the event and tell people what they can expect to experience at your stand.
Do you need help with your event digital marketing campaign? Then contact The Digital Marketing People today.
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