Are you trying to attack middle-aged women? Or are younger Millenials your target demographic? One of your initial steps in growth marketing should be to establish buyer personas.
This is part of a process known as customer segmentation. Through this approach, you’ll establish groups of similar types of customers. For instance, you may have a group of women in their 40s and women in their 20s interested in your product.
You’ll need to tailor your marketing efforts to appeal to each segment. You can do this according to the perceived needs or values of your target customers. You’ll shape the language and graphics differently for each segment, and turn to different platforms to launch your ads.
How many customers are visiting your website? And are they clicking on lots of products and sticking around? When you know the answers to questions like these, you can adjust your marketing efforts to increase sales.
Track engagement with products on your website — and how many people are leaving their carts behind. Ultimately, your goal is to convert those clicks into sales.
Take advantage of metrics in social media ad platforms. Are customers clicking all the way to your website when you post a new product on Facebook? Or are they simply looking at and liking new posts.
Track data across customer segmentation groups. You may need to modify the time of day when you’re posting on Instagram, for instance. Or you may discover that your product turnaround time is a problem that you need to address quickly.
When you get the broader scope of quarterly or yearly data, you can begin to notice patterns, too. If you know that the summer months tend to be slower, implement growth marketing strategies to encourage business then. For example, offer discounts on services during those months or hand out coupons to customers making purchases in the spring.
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