Have you ever thought about what you sound like to your customers? Establishing a brand voice may not be at the top of your to-do list as a growing business, but it is an important first step in building a successful marketing strategy.
Get the Group Together
Choosing a voice for your company is a major decision; the brand voice you establish marks who you want to be as a company, and what the perception of your business will be to outsiders. As with all big company decisions, everyone who has a say should be in the room. The discussion surrounding your brand voice may be led by your marketing team, but all sectors of leadership should be involved. Not only is it important to get input from all departments, it’s essential that everyone is on the same page about the brand voice you choose. Top leadership may have differing opinions on aspects of brand voice, so ensure that you take everyone’s perspective into account in order to get the most well-rounded result.
Determine Buzzwords
An easy place to start building your brand voice is determining buzzwords. Choose 3-5 words that you think describe your business’s tone and personality. How do you want people to feel when they interact with you? Who do you not want to be? What things should you avoid when speaking to customers? These are all good questions to ask yourself when starting to brainstorm, and can help you build a long list of buzzwords to later narrow down. Your brand voice buzzwords should also take into consideration your company’s purpose, mission, core values, and audience. Once you have picked 3-5 words, you can start to further elaborate on how to communicate those concepts and feelings consistently in your messaging.
Pick Writers Who Understand
Sometimes, the hardest part about finding a brand voice is the execution. It is essential that you choose people who understand the core of your business, and your intention with the chosen brand voice, in order to effectively communicate to your audience. Ideally, the individuals who had a hand in determining the brand voice will also be involved in communications and copywriting, but that is not always the case. When training writers to convey your voice, you should create a concise but thorough handout or presentation to explain key points and store this asset somewhere easily accessible for reference afterward.
Revisit as Your Company Grows
As your company grows and changes, your goals and the way you want to communicate them will change as well. It is important to revisit your brand voice every few years to refresh and revise. Doing so may also give you new inspiration to communicate your brand voice creatively, and give your marketing new life as you move into the future.
91% of consumers want to buy from an authentic brand
Get started building a strong brand voice for your business today. KWSM is ready to build a custom brand strategy to start you on the right path for growth.
to schedule a complimentary 30-minute marketing audit.
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