We are constantly witnessing how mostly all businesses are incorporating digital marketing strategies, given the technological boost and how much the internet has transformed people’s lives. However, we can never forget how influential traditional marketing was, is, and will always be in the field of marketing and advertising. It has been the founding pillar of some of the biggest brands of today. Hence, shifting from the mainstream promotion of digital marketing strategies that we normally do, today, we will be taking you through some ways in which traditional marketing could be combined with digital marketing, in order to grow magnanimously across various segments and target audiences.
So, what is traditional marketing?
Often employed excessively by well-established business houses, traditional marketing strategies revolve around print marketing and visual advertisements. So many of us still remember the television ads we have seen in our childhood, don’t we? Print advertisements include leaflets, brochures, pamphlets, newspaper ads, and so on, that are a lot more personal and direct to the consumers. Even now, traditional marketing has maintained its relevance, despite the rise in online advertising. Big corporates still resort to traditional advertising to etch their brand name into the minds of people.
Digital marketing, as we all already know, is internet marketing. It uses the online tools and platforms to sell a brand. Creating a website is the first step in establishing the online presence that gets a brand to kick start digital marketing. Other aspects of digital marketing include search marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, analytics analysis, and so on. Digital marketing helps a brand establish a very strong digital presence that is very important in times when 1 billion people use the internet across the world. The biggest advantage of digital marketing is that despite being low-budget, it can reach out to a really wide target audience and personalize your brand for them. That is why, many start-ups, SMEs and MSMEs use digital marketing as their strategy to grow big.
Your question now would be, how do we integrate the two?
Well, before we get into that, it is necessary to understand how different the mediums are for traditional marketing versus digital marketing. Traditional marketing gets a lot of traction through billboard advertising, television and newspaper ads, and printed collateral. Digital marketing gets its traffic through social media platforms and search engines. With this in mind, let’s look at some digital marketing strategies that can integrate the best of both worlds:
Make sure you mention your website and social media handles on all your print advertisements. The attractive colors, captions, and size of the ad would make people want to check out your brand and know more about it. Thus, traditional media can intrigue people into checking your brand’s engaging digital media. You can use traditional media as a teaser provider for the forthcoming movie, which would be your brand’s elaborate online presence.
It is predicted that using TV ads to lure customers to know more about your brand will become a very effective marketing trend. TV ads run for less time and are very expensive. However, they are highly efficient in peaking the interest of a viewer, who would want to check your brand’s website to know more. The traffic thus generated will be humongous and loyal.
You can include a QR Code or a barcode in your print ads that people can scan, which will direct them to your website. This is an effective way to link your print and digital presence. How can you make this strategy work even better? Make sure that you give some discount codes or coupons that people can avail of when they scan the code. This will incentivize them to visit your website and social media handles, getting you the maximum benefits of both traffic and sales.
Business can also have digital bulletins or newsletters complementing the print ones. The digital ones can be sent to your target customers through email marketing. Thus, you’ll be able to reach out directly to the customer segments that use both digital and print media.
Integrating new age marketing with traditional marketing is all about complementing each other. A relevant use of digital marketing agencies include helping you come up with a customized and proportionate plan to incorporate the two. Be it an established business or a start-up, it is always a plus to maximize your marketing efforts that will ensure you become, or maintain being a successful brand.
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