Selling on Facebook is one topic that has captured the interest of entrepreneurs and business owners in recent years. Since the introduction of the Facebook eCommerce feature, many businesses have enjoyed huge ROI through the Facebook selling page. And if your search on Google was on how to sell stuff on Facebook, then you’ve found the right place.
In 2019, according to Statista, over 1.9 billion people bought products online. Consumers have also become open to the idea of purchasing items across different online platforms. And with over 2 billion active monthly users, the potential profitability of selling on Facebook is a no-brainer. This post will be a step-by-step guide on how to sell things on Facebook.
Just like any other online business, how to sell products on Facebook follows the same blueprint.
1. Determine the Products
Selling on Facebook has its limits. If you must sell, then it must be a physical, non-downloadable product. Digital products like eBooks are prohibited. And the product must be approved by Facebook before it can go live.
2. Know the Basics
Selling on Facebook requires determination. So, if you’re new to the game, you’ve got to learn the basics. Find out about the Facebook terms and conditions. They’ll come in handy. Remember it’s business. It would be best if you worked with a plan. Set goals too, and prepare your budget.
3. Get Your Products Ready for Sales
Make sure you’ve got everything set before setting out online. Don’t be in a hurry. Write a killer product description. Take some great product photos. If there’s the need for a short product video, make one! All the same, give your target audience a feel of the product experience.
4. Create a Facebook Business Page
When all is set, go ahead to create a Facebook business page for your product. Note that you’ll need to meet all the requirements by Facebook. No worries, they’re not complex at all. Also, remember to make your contact information available for easy communication. Let your customers know they can always reach you. Efficient customer service pays.
Facebook Shops Vs Facebook Marketplace
People who are thinking of how to sell something on Facebook misunderstand both terms often. Although selling on Facebook can be achieved through Facebook shops and Facebook market place, they are not the same thing. Facebook shops and Facebook marketplace serve different purposes.
The Facebook marketplace platform is designed for Facebook users. It’s like a listing platform for local personal ads, just like Craiglist. Here, people search for items they wish to buy or list the items they want to sell. Then they negotiate and finalize the transaction with the owner without the regular tools of an online store, like shopping carts or payment processing tools.
Facebook shops, on the other hand, are more like regular online stores. It’s designed for businesses to showcase and sell stuff on Facebook. It also allows customers to explore items directly on the Facebook platform without re-directing them to your business website. The Facebook shop platform supports payment transaction processing as well.
How to Sell Things on Facebook Shop
Already wondering how to sell something on Facebook Shop? It’s simple. To get started, you’ll need to set up your Facebook shop. You’ll also need to have an account with Commerce Manager. If you don’t have one, then first set up an account with Commerce Manager.
Next, click on “Create Collections” to group your items. This allows you to get the most out of Facebook shops. Here, you’ll name the collection, provide a brief description, and a cover image for your collection. Then proceed to customize the style and layout of your storefront. And finally, publish your shop.
Since Facebook Shops is not yet widely available to everyone, the Facebook Page shop is also another option for selling on Facebook. From your Business Page, click on the “Shop” button to proceed. You might have to expand the menu on the left-hand side to see this option. This allows you to start selling, pending when the Facebook Shops option becomes available to you.
The process is similar to that of the Facebook Shops above. Follow the onscreen guide to set up an account.
How to Sell on Facebook Market Place
It’s pretty straightforward. Visit the Facebook Marketplace page to get started. Or click “Marketplace from your news feed. Click the “+ Create New Listing” and follow the onscreen instructions. Finally, click “Publish” to post your Marketplace listing.
Are you new to Facebook marketplace selling, or do you already have an online store? It’s easy to make money by selling on Facebook marketplace if you follow the following Facebook selling tips.
1. Do Some Background Checks
People sell anything from small products to large items like electronics and furniture on Facebook marketplace. So, don’t just be in a hurry to sell. Do your research. What items are people selling around you? Who is your target market? Also, figure out how you can distinguish what you sell from other similar items?
2. Join Facebook Groups
How much you price your stuff is essential. It’s also easy to make sales to people close to you. So, search for Facebook marketplace groups near you and join. This will help you know what items are trending in your area and how much people sell them. Don’t be too cheap. Don’t be too greedy. Just offer something unique at a reasonable price.
3. Use Real, Quality Images
Pictures are your best shot at making the perfect first impression. If you don’t want to come off as fraudulent, avoid stock photos. Also, be detailed in the product description. Remember that honesty pays. Use images that show your item the way it should be in a store. If there are any potential defects, don’t hide it. This way, potential buyers know what they’re dealing with exactly.
4. Promote Your Stuff
The core of selling on Facebook is hinged on promoting what you sell. Spread the word. Let more people see what you sell. One way to achieve this is to cross-post your listing on other related platforms like Messenger and Instagram. The more people see your listing, the greater your chances of attracting a potential buyer.
5. Guaranteed Delivery
The ultimate secret to selling on Facebook is simple; include delivery, especially if you’ll be selling mid to larger items. Facebook marketplace selling always favors sellers who guarantee delivery. While some sellers tend to avoid the delivery process, most successful sellers know that item delivery goes a long way. You can also learn more from our Facebook Ad Type: Ultimate Explainer Guide.
6. Consistency is Key
Lastly, remember that you’ll be known in the market place for the items you offer. So, try to be consistent with the kind of stuff you sell. Avoid the temptation of selling just about anything in Facebook Market Place. You stand a higher chance of getting repeat customers once you’ve been known for a particular product type or quality. You also have more control over pricing, and buyers can find your listing more easily.
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Now, you can take advantage of the opportunities that selling on Facebook offers with this ultimate guide on how to sell on Facebook. Go ahead. Start selling, and succeed!
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