Post Pandemic Plan: How to Successfully Re-start Your Digital Marketing Plan
Businesses throughout the UK are getting back to work and need to adapt to the ‘new normal’. Whether that be introducing social distancing measures in-store, making sure staff feel safe or taking steps to increase online sales capacity, there are measures that’ll need to be put in place.
As business moves online, digital marketing is more important than ever. The SQ Digital team has put together a guide to kickstarting a post-pandemic digital marketing strategy.
Adapt your strategy to fit new shopping trends
Online shopping has soared since the pandemic hit, so if you haven’t done so already, be sure to capitalise on the online shopping craze. Understand what your customers will most value during the COVID pandemic. If you can gauge how your target audience’s shopping habits are changing, you can capitalise on this.
Start using paid search more aggressively. Find out where your target market spends most of their time online, are they searching for products on Google or browsing on social media platforms. You’ll need to dig through your site analytics to get this info. Once you have some data on this, you can focus your attention on either Pay Per Click (PPC), Google shopping or even paid social ads depending on where your target audience goes.
Think about where to place your advertising budget when choosing products to promote on your website. If you have any products or services that are in demand due to the pandemic, make sure you’re advertising these more aggressively. If you’re a service-based business, you may not be able to fully re-open until later in the year under current government guidelines; avoid putting advertising spend behind these services until you can operate normally again.
If you’d like help setting up or maintaining your presence via paid search, we’ve got experience in all things paid media as an established PPC agency in Lancashire.
Adopt a post COVID-19 approach to your marketing strategy
To get ahead of the game, you need to embrace the ‘new normal’ and tailor your marketing strategy around it. Being the first in your sector to proactively make changes to the way you operate will see your business reaping the rewards in the future.
Review your pre-COVID-19 marketing budget and strip back traditional forms of marketing, which are likely to be less effective because of lower footfall on high streets. Simply maintaining the same marketing strategy you had in place before the pandemic could put your business behind its competitors, as shopping trends continue to change in line with changing government guidelines.
Make sure your online presence is flawless. Spend time checking where your business ranks for your priority keywords and if you’re not on the first page then consider tweaking your on-page SEO, adding content or conducting some digital PR to gain backlinks to your website.
Capitalising on short term successes
Some businesses have seen an upturn in sales following the pandemic, with the likes of PPE suppliers, hand-gel and sanitiser manufacturers and leisurewear clothing brands soaring in popularity. We’ve also seen a few of our clients experience spikes in sales, with European Springs & Pressings being tasked with creating parts for ventilators.
If your business has found some success during this time, you need to capitalise on this. Here’s how:
For help or advice on how to best prepare your business for the next steps, our team is more than happy to assist you.
It’s our 20th year in business as a digital marketing agency so we have a lot of experience in helping firms with these issues. Contact us via our online enquiry form, or by calling us on 01524 580777.
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