I conducted a panel with 7 other Highly Successful Digital Marketing Agency Owners on the topic of the Coronavirus & How to survive & thrive in these unprecedented times. You can watch the full roundtable discussion by clicking below:
We unpacking how to survive & thrive in the wake of the Coronavirus. The panel & I will be sharing how we are thinking about & approaching the situation in our agency as it relates to mindset, client retention, landing new clients, team management & financial planning. You don’t want to miss it.
Here are the key items the panel covered:
– What is your MINDSET as it relates to operating your agency during this situation?
– What are you doing as it relates to “retraining your clients” at the highest level possible?
– How are you dealing with clients who want to cancel?
Landing Clients
– Are you proactively marketing / prospecting at this point?
– What are you doing to land clients during this tough time?
Managing Your Team
– What are you doing to keep your engaged & productive?
– Are you doing anything as it relates to hiring / recuriting at this point?
– What are you doing in terms of financial planning?
– Do you have a contingency plan in place should things intensify?
– Have you / would you consider lining up a SBA loan, line of credit or some other source of funding?