How to Use Customer Journey Mapping to Optimize Digital Marketing Campaigns


Most inexperienced business owners start with little more than the expert advice they discover on digital marketing sites, much alone the concept of customer journey mapping when developing a strong marketing plan. Even if you can get by with just this, you are ultimately relying on the experiences of someone else’s company rather than creating something entirely new. This explains why major businesses invest so much in analytics and big data.

Suppose you’re searching for a place to begin. In that case, you can put off learning about behavioral segmentation and other complex analytics and instead adopt a plan that can produce excellent results on a tight budget. Make a map of the customer journey. Discover the definition of customer journey mapping, how it may benefit your brand by visualizing interactions, and how to get started creating your own. Here are all the details and resources you need to make one.

What is a map of the customer journey?

The customer journey map is a representation that shows how a customer interacts with a business. It provides information on the desires and concerns of potential clients, which directly affect or constrain their behavior. Businesses may raise conversion rates and enhance customer retention by improving the customer experience. The method through which a consumer interacts with a business to accomplish a goal is known as the customer journey. There are typically many different processes between discovering a brand on social media and receiving an email following a successful transaction. This would be preferable if you didn’t rely your hypotheses or forecasts on your point of view. The actual experiences that your clients have are very different from a customer journey.

Thus, asking your consumers is the greatest method to learn about their travels.

Why is a mapped journey necessary?

The customer’s path seems straightforward. Customers purchase a service or item that businesses offer. The path is more complicated than that. According to Salesforce, 80% of customers value their interactions with a business as highly as its products. The buyer’s journey is the path a customer takes from when they learn about a product to when they decide to buy it.

During this journey, customers could look at advertisements, communicate with customer service representatives, or attempt to complete a transaction. These are rest stations along the way that have an impact on their behavior. By understanding the procedure and how it influences customer interactions, a business may plan and prepare to persuade clients to make a purchase. But simply comprehending the client’s journey is insufficient. It’s best to represent this challenging trip in a graphic that you and any staff members can use as a reference. A client journey map can be created in this situation.

Process of Making a Customer Journey Map

Establish definite goals for the map

Before you start drawing, asking yourself why you’re constructing a map in the first place is necessary. What objectives do you hope to accomplish with this map? Who is it particularly about? On what personal experience is it based?

Based on this, you might want to create a buyer persona. This hypothetical client reflects the typical client and includes their psychographic and demographic characteristics. Having a unique personality may assist you in remembering to concentrate every stage of your customer journey map on them.

For each one of your personalities, create profiles and ambitions.

It would be best if you then did some research. Surveys and user testing are two great ways to get informed client feedback. It’s essential to communicate only with actual clients or prospects.

You want to hear from people who are truly considering buying your goods and services, have previously done business with you, or intend to.

Appropriate questions to ask are, for instance:

  • How did you find out about our business?
  • What initially intrigued you to our website?
  • What objectives do you hope to accomplish with our business? In other words, what difficulties are you trying to solve?

Make your target consumer personalities stand out.

You must narrow your focus to a single or 2 of the various client personas after understanding how they relate to your company. The journey of one customer traveling down a very precise path with your business is tracked by a customer journey map, so keep that in mind. Your journey map won’t accurately depict your customers’ experience if you include too many personas. When making your first map, pick your most typical consumer persona, and think about the path they would generally follow to engage with your company for the first time. A marketing dashboard can compare them all and decide which would work best for your route map. You can always return and make a new map particular to these customers’ kinds, so don’t worry about leaving any out.

Describe each touchpoint in detail

Touchpoints are any places on your website where people may contact you. Based on your research, list every touchpoint your clients and prospects presently use and any you think they should utilize if there’s no overlap.

Making a customer journey map requires you to consider the actions your consumers are taking; thus, this stage is crucial. Does the fact that they are using fewer touchpoints than expected imply that they are being turned away quickly and leaving your site early? Does the fact that they are to use more of your website than you anticipated indicate that it is complicated and takes numerous steps for them to reach their destination?

Knowing the customer journey’s goals and ease of use may be understood by knowing the touchpoints.

This is not limited to your website. You must consider every possible web channel your customer could use to find you. These could consist of the following:

  • Social networks
  • Paid ads
  • email advertising
  • independent review sites or references

You may find all the sites that reference you by performing a quick search on Google for your brand. To validate this, check your Google Analytics to see where your traffic is coming from. Reduce your list to the touchpoints most widely used and likely to result in an action.

As you draught your journey map, keep the following in mind:

Customer Behavior

Make a list of every activity your clients take while interacting with your brand. This may be someone clicking on one of your emails or searching on google for your keywords. You can wind up with a long list of actions. It’s alright. Later, you’ll have a chance to explain your knowledge.

It’s critical to spot the signs that customers are being asked to perform too many actions to accomplish their objectives. Limiting the steps a customer must take can feel hazardous, yet doing so results in higher exchange rates.

Customer Motives & Feelings

Cause and effect are at the heart of every marketing. Similar to you, every move your customer makes is driven by emotion. And depending on where they are in their journey, your customer’s sentiments will alter.

A problem or a source of pain is what motivates each of your customers’ activities emotionally. This will enable you to deliver the appropriate material at the appropriate time, facilitating the customer’s emotional experience through your brand.

Obstacles and Pain Points for Customers

Find out what is holding your customer back from taking the desired action. The cost is one such barrier. One of your consumers, for instance, might adore your product but remove it from their cart after learning about unexpectedly hefty shipping costs.

By emphasising these potential bottlenecks in your customer’s path, you may help to reduce them. You may offer a FAQ page that addresses typical inquiries concerning shipping prices.

Analyze your current and future resource needs

Nearly every aspect of your organization will be mentioned in your client journey map. This will show how all those resource are employed in the improvement of the client experience. Therefore, evaluating the resources you now have, and those you’ll require is crucial to enhance the customer experience. If your team lacks the resources to follow up with clients following a service encounter adequately, your map may point to certain weaknesses in your customer care offer. Utilizing your map, you suggest to management that they spend money on tools for customer service that will assist your team in managing customer demand.

Consider your customer journey

Creating your map does not necessarily mean that your task is finished. The stage of the process that is most important is analysing the results. How many visitors are opening your website and then leaving without buying anything? How can you serve customers more effectively? With your completed map, you should be able to respond to some of these queries.

Analyzing the outcomes, you can see where client needs aren’t satisfied. By addressing this, you can ensure you’re offering a worthwhile experience and demonstrating how customers can use your company’s assistance to solve their difficulties. Until you put the customer journey mapping process to the test, it is all purely theoretical.

Adjust as necessary

Your data analysis will help you decide what kind of website you want. Then, you can adjust your website to achieve these goals. The call-to-action links may become more distinct as a result. Perhaps the solution is to offer a longer explanation for each product to make its role more evident.

Regardless of how big or tiny the adjustments are, they will work because they are connected to the problems that customers have identified. You can be confident that adjustments will be made rather than haphazardly, hoping they will enhance consumer experiences. Additionally, ensure that your visible client journey map constantly meets those requirements and discomfort spots.

How to use Customer Journey Map to enhance your marketing approach

There you have the first customer journey map that is now complete. Let’s look at how you can use it to make your marketing more effective.

1. Look for solutions

Without the insights or potential areas for improvement indicated in the above map, no customer journey map is complete. If you haven’t done so before, gather your team and discuss the areas where you can improve based on the map.

There isn’t just one method to approach it; it all relies on the circumstance you find yourself in on the map. For instance, you should target a touchpoint whose conversion rate is significantly lower than the others.

2. Enhance messaging

Your customers’ purchases influence their decision on which business to do business with again and again. You need to improve it if you discover your client’s wants aren’t what you advertise.

3. Pay attention to side interests        

Your ‘Affinity Categories findings may be helpful if you’re engaged in content marketing. Some users may come to your business while reading content on related subjects.

You can expand your content marketing toolbox by researching the information on affinity categories.

4. Concentrate on channels that convert well      

While talking about content marketing, customer journey mapping makes it possible to determine which marketing channels are most effective. Analyze the most popular channels throughout the first phase of the customer journey to discover why they are most effective.

You then have a choice between two options. Either focus more on the channels currently giving you the best ROI, or you can try to rectify the ones that don’t bring you enough clients.

5. An increase in on-site conversion

A few of the best metrics on your clients’ on-site behavior are offered by CJM. This enables you to observe precisely what your visitors are doing on the site before converting and enhancing the entire process. This goes beyond simply enhancing your touchpoints. Additionally, you can add new touchpoints and alter your on-site conversion strategy. For instance, you can observe that freebie takers or webinar attendees convert much more frequently than typical site visits. Start putting these converting elements at the bottom of your blog entries or in pop-ups.

Wrapping up!!

When you thoroughly comprehend how your customers interact with your company, you may please them at every step of the purchasing process. This trip can be impacted by a variety of things, such as client pain points, feelings, and the touchpoints and processes used by your business.

The best way to visualize this data is through a customer journey map, whether you’re looking to improve the customer experience or look for new business opportunities to meet customers’ unmet needs.

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