It meant for beginners who are keen to market their business on the Internet. New business owners can find a basic idea of how to market their business on Pinterest. Advanced users can find new tips and motivation fordigital marketing their business. This Article explains how How to use Pinterest for digital marketing strategies.
Though Pinterest was launched almost 5 years after Facebook and Twitter. It has 100 hundred million active users with 176 million registration. These numbers show that there is a lot of people using Pinterest. Business owners around the world can utilize this website as a traffic generating and audience creating the tool for marketing their business.
Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn are some of the popular social networking websites. Pinterest is a social networking website that provides a platform for planning, collecting, discussing, and sharing ideas, common interests and directing traffic to the business portals or blogs. In own words of Pinterest, it is “the visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas.”
Any business that relies on driving a high-volume of website traffic to increase sales, should consider joining Pinterest. In fact, early research indicates that Pinterest is more effective at driving traffic compared to other social media sites, even Facebook.
How to use Pinterest for digital marketing strategies
What’s particularly fascinating about Pinterest is that while in beta, it is already making money. That’s especially surprising for a social networking site. What’s even more interesting is that the way it’s monetizing is not based on advertising or subscriptions. If your website is using an affiliate program, you should take note, because that is how Pinterest is making its dough: by taking a cut of your sales from pinned traffic.
As with any other social network, Pinterest offers a range of activities you can initiate to market your company to a new audience. The goal here is to gain brand recognition, drive traffic to your website and be successful at converting the new visits into leads.
Feature Visual Content
Pinterest is a visual social network, so you will need to create a pinboard that highlights some of your best visual content. Start using clear, beautiful images in your blog articles with the point of pinning them to your pinboards moving forward. You should be using images in your blog articles anyway! Pin visuals that best highlights your written content.
Infographics & Data Chart
Infographics are all the rage right now, and they are doing very well on Pinterest. If you have any industry data that you can visualize, do so before someone beats you to it. You can also pin simple data charts that you can build in excel. Make sure to have a clear headline in the image so people know what they are looking at!
Create a User-Generated Pinboard
By enabling other users to contribute their own pins to your pinboards. You open up a great opportunity to involve fans and customers in your marketing. Pinterest forDigital Marketing strategies Pick out a few of your top evangelists or customers and create a board dedicated to their pins.
Host a Contest
Hold a contest that asks users to create a pinboard on their own account to demonstrate what they love about your brand, products, or services. Ask them to send you a link to their pinboard so you can evaluate entrants, and the coolest board wins a prize!
Add the Pin-It Button to Your Website
Make it super easy for website visitors to share your visual content or images on Pinterest. By adding a “Pin It” button to your site. Just like other social media sharing buttons, this will help to expose your brand to a new audience.
Add links in the descriptions of your pin
Whenever possible, Pinterest for Digital Marketing strategies includes links back to your website and landing pages in your pins to drive traffic back to your website. Keep track of referral traffic and leads generated from Pinterest.
Create a Video Gallery
Pinners aren’t only limited to pinning images; they can pin videos, too! Create a pinboard of some of the interesting videos your business produces interspersed with relevant images.
Pinterest has a heavy lifestyle focus, so what better opportunity is there to give people a peek into the personality of your brand?. Furthermore, Create a pinboard that showcases your employees and life around the offices. Show them working together, show them making your products/services, and show some of the fun activities your business participates in, such as company outings, parties, award ceremonies, volunteer days, etc.
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