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Please click here to REGISTER yourself FREE to our ‘Advice to Wealth Managers to Improve their Digital Marketing Strategy’ WEBINAR:https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/8716440671171/WN_aCCpQtxPTjKTINUqaIQlugSee you on the 11th of March, Friday at 2PM UK TimeGet TOP QUALITY TRAINING PROGRAMS delivered by David!Contact David:+ WhatsApp: +44 77096 08459+ Email: [email protected]+ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidgyoribankingreports/+ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/382197309539255David Gyori globally renowned financial technology and digital banking expert.David Gyori is a globally renowned financial technology trainer, author, advisor, consultant and keynote speaker.David is CEO of Banking Reports London, providing top quality FinTech training for bankers all over the world. He is a top 10 global thought leader and influencer in financial technology and a top 50 global thought leader and influencer in digital transformation.David is co-author of five internationally published books:▪ ‘The FinTech Book’ (Wiley & Sons, London, 2016)▪ ‘The WealthTech Book’ (Wiley & Sons, London, 2018)▪ ‘The PayTech Book’ (Wiley & Sons, London, 2020)▪ ‘The AI Book’ (Wiley & Sons, London, 2020) as well as▪ ‘WealthTech: Wealth and Asset Management in the FinTech Age’ (IAP, USA, 2019)‘The FinTech Book’ has quickly risen to the status of a global best seller. It has been translated to 10 languages and being sold in 100+ countries. David is frequent keynote speaker of top international banking and FinTech events. He has provided advanced training programs face to face as well as online in 55 countries in seven years.David holds multiple key international positions: He is Founding Member of the World FinTech Association (Seoul); CEO of Banking Reports Limited (London); International Resource Director of The Asian Banker Group (Singapore); Member of the Panel of Judges of the ‘International Excellence in Retail Financial Services Program’ (one of the most rigorous, prestigious and transparent awards programs for consumer financial services worldwide) as well as Member of the Panel of Judges of the ‘Financial Technology Innovation Awards Program’ (Singapore).David spends significant time in Budapest, London as well as Albania and when you contact him chances are he is delivering one of his global best seller training programs face to face or online to leading bankers in one of the 55 countries he is actively working in. David holds a diploma in management from Corvinus University Budapest.#wealthtech #wealth #wealthmanagement #marketing #wealthmanager #manager #management #fintech #financialtechnology #explained #areas #pos #innovation #micropayments #remittances #messaging #clearing #settlement #payments #paytech #swift #transferwise #wise #smartphone #banking #mobilewallets #mobile #wallet #digitalwallets #cbdc #cbdcs #centralbankdigitalcurrencies #centralbankdigitalcurrency #centralbankcrypto #channeltech #digitalchannels #ar #augmentedreality #augmented #metaverse #vr #virtualreality #virtual #spatialcomputing #extendedreality #metaversefinance #david #gyori #bankingreports #voicebanking #alexabanking #siribanking #wearables #wearabletech #wearablebanking #atm #atminnovations #cashmachines #cashmachinesinnovation #branchtech #bankbranch #bnpl #buynowpaylater #crowdfunding #p2plending #peertopeer #p2p #lendtech #creditech #ai #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #deeplearning #neuralnetworks #agi #narrowai #blockchain #dlt #distributedledger #distributedledgertechnologies #currency #currencies #cryptocurrencies #digitalcurrencies #decentralizedcurrencies #socialtrading #copytrading #mirrortrading #etoro #naga #roboadvisor #roboadvisors #betterment #pfm #financialwellness #financialinclusion #pfmdashboards #openbanking #api #api #tpp #tpps #aisp #pisp #aspsps #psd2 #paymentsservicesdirective #regtech #cysec #cybersecurity #privacytech #trustech #trusttech #risktech #compliancetech #compliance #suptech #supervisorytechnology #regulatorytechnology #biometrics #digitalidentity #identityonchain #neobank #neobanks #challengerbanks #challengerbank #mobilebank #mobilebanking #mobilebanks #corebanking #corebankingtech #quantumfinance #quantumcomputing #quantumcomputer #quantumcomputers #quantum #finance #esg #environmentalsocialgovernance #esgtech #insurtech #insuretech
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