In the News: Twitter Works to Provide Users With Accurate Information, Facebook Simplifies Switching Between Accounts, and YouTube Adds New Features For Creators | KWSM: a digital marketing agency

During times of uncertainty, most users want to be in the know. This is why platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are providing us with tools to help us get accurate information quickly and with ease. In the News: Twitter Works to Provide Users With Accurate Information, Facebook Simplifies Switching Between Accounts, and YouTube Adds New Features For Creators

Twitter Creates New Retweet Prompt

In order to stop the spread of misinformation and promote informed discussion, Twitter is adding a new feature. This new feature will prompt users to read the article before being able to retweet it. If you decide to retweet an article that you haven’t opened on Twitter, the platform may ask if you’d like to open it first.

Facebook Eases Switching From Your Personal to Business Account

To make it easier for those who are managing both business and personal pages, Facebook will be adding a toggle that will allow users to switch between the two accounts with ease. 

To switch pages, tap and hold down your personal profile picture in messenger to switch over to your business messenger account.

Facebook will also give you the option to receive notifications in the app to allow businesses to respond more quickly to their fans.

YouTube Adds New Features For Creators

is sharing a new, integrated channel performance chart in Creator Studio that will display views, subscriber count, watch time and revenue performance within a single display. With the new display for analytics, it gives creators access to a quick overview of how their channel is performing. 

In addition to the updated analytics features, YouTube also created a Live Alerts for Merch feature. Whenever a user makes a purchase from your integrated Teespring store during a livestream, an alert will pop-up in the comments stream, with a link for others to tap through and view the items that others have purchased. This feature helps creators promote their merchandise and make some extra revenue.

The last feature that YouTube has added is its Giving feature. This feature will allow more artists to raise funds on their YouTube livestreams. There will also be a new option for charity organizations to provide direct links to their fundraisers that other YouTubers can then include in their videos to help support the cause. 

megaphoneOn average, users spend about three hours on social media per day.

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