Terminology, at first glance, is a fairly simple and clear system. If we are not talking about something relatively new and permanently moving. In this article, we will try to understand how conventional Internet marketing differs from digital marketing. You can also use the services of a digital marketing company, this is a proven organization with a lot of positive reviews.Very similar in terms of tasks and tools for their solution, the areas of sales and promotion of products, however, have several significant differences.
Who is who?
The term “internet marketing” itself defines the scope of interests and opportunities for marketers and business owners. And this means that they use only those tools that work exclusively in the Internet space. This is not to say that this is not enough or definitely not enough. It all depends on the product and the final sales goals. For some, just the tools and influence of the Internet are enough to interact with consumers and promote their product.
But those who do not have enough restrictions “online” use digital marketing tools in their marketing strategies.
Despite the fact that the term itself contains the concept of “digit”, the possibilities of digital marketing go beyond the Internet to offline, while not excluding the first one. In a word, digital marketing is Internet marketing plus advertising and promotion on any digital media outside the Internet.
In practice, it looks like this. The product is promoted through contextual and targeted advertising on the Internet, but it is also advertised offline, for example, on digital billboards. If you place a poster on a classic vinyl billboard, it’s just marketing. And, if you point to it, for example, a QR code, then this is already digital marketing.
Modern trends are such that even classic offline advertising platforms like television, radio and newspapers have become digital or have digital counterparts. And in the near future, digital media will take even larger market shares from their analog counterparts.
Who does what?
They are engaged in digital marketing, logically, digital agencies. Such a team usually consists of a marketer, an SEO specialist, an analyst, a project manager and a product manager, a designer, a programmer, a content manager and, finally, a copywriter. In outsourcing mode, such companies also cooperate with photographers and videographers. In addition to standard Internet marketing services (creation and promotion of websites, design, media and contextual promotion, marketing strategies, content plans, creation of advertising audio, photo, video and text products, work with social networks), digital agencies also organize offline Events.
Equally important in digital marketing is the collection and processing of analytics. In the digital space, this is done easily and reliably. Everything is like everywhere else – user data, behavioral patterns, demographics, activities, sources, traffic, etc.
Of course, the possibilities of digital marketing are wider and more flexible, because they allow different communication channels to interact and complement each other. That is, to invite people from “offline” to “online” and vice versa. The advantages of digital marketing also include a wider and more transparent audience coverage, at lower costs, when compared with the same coverage of traditional advertising. In addition, unlike traditional advertising tools, in digital marketing, analytics and KPI calculation are many times more accurate and clear.
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