Creating your own digital marketing agency website has been in your bucket list for long. Or, maybe you want to create one for your client. Whatever it is, that time has come. Let me introduce you to Digital Marketing, a free layout bundle for SP Page Builder Pro users to create any digital marketing agency website at ease.
The Digital Marketing layout bundle is a creatively designed website pack for digital marketing, SEO, and other related businesses. From presenting case studies to showcasing accomplished projects, you can do everything that an ideal digital marketing agency requires. A related business site made with the Digital Marketing layout bundle will have higher chances to draw visitors’ attention and convert them to clients.
Digital Marketing Layout Bundle Features
This layout bundle is full of necessary features. The pages inside this bundle are designed aesthetically. Some of the notable features are:
Pages Inside This DIgital Marketing Site Package
Digital Marketing layout bundle comes with some wonderful pages inside. More importantly, you have all the required pages to run a digital marketing business successfully. The pages inside this SP Page Builder Pro layout bundle are:
You will surely love what all these pages have to offer. Let’s know them in more detail.
The home page of Digital Marketing comes with a stunning hero section with a call-to-action button to let the visitors know more. Showcase several curated projects along with the number of accomplished ones. Display case studies, brands you worked with, and an attractive newsletter subscription section at the bottom.
Present your services elegantly to attract visitors’ attention. There’s also a hero section for the service page. Have all of the services on a single page and redirect visitors to dig deeper inside each of the services.
Break down your services into small chunks and describe them with visual presentation. Showcase service features and have an enticing call-to-action section to convert visitors into clients.
Enlist all your past (and ongoing) projects on a single page. Showcase projects in a grid view featuring the most important one at the top. Just like the services page, there’s also a hero section for the Projects page. Have interactive scrolling effects on all of the projects.
The project detail page of Digital Marketing is one of the most detailed and elegant project showcasing pages you will ever notice. It includes every detail and indulges visitors with all the information they require. Describe projects visually, have clients’ feedback, include core services and have a CTA button at the bottom.
Make communication a breeze. Have a contact form, place physical address, and display an email address for visitors to contact you easily.
How to Access & Import a Layout Bundle?
All of the SP Page Builder Pro users, upon configuring the license key, can access, explore, and import any layout bundle.
In order to get the latest layout bundle, you need to update SP Page Builder Pro to the latest version. To get a step by step guideline on how to access and import a layout bundle, please visit this documentation page.
So, what are you waiting for? Get Digital Marketing and create your digital marketing, SEO or other related business sites with it. Because of Covid-19, the whole world is going through a critical moment. Make sure you stay at home, wash your hands often, and keep you and your family safe. Good luck.