Is a Degree in Digital Marketing Worth The Time & Investment?


If you’ve heard of Facebook then you’ve most likely heard of Mark Zuckerberg, the founding entrepreneur who started Facebook (which by the way has 1 billion active users). Mark Zuckerberg is a digital genius who helped to shape the way that people globally communicate and connect online today.

Facebook is a good example of a platform which digital marketers use to promote services and products. It is no longer just a platform for people to connect with people, but also for companies to connect with their target market.

And what better way to feed the masses ‘marketing propaganda’ or sell a product than on Social Media Channels and online platforms like Google where there is a high volume of traffic. However, people aren’t easily fooled and it has become evident that the online community is seeing through the marketing tactics that some companies use to promote their products or services online.

Online users are no more interested in the product benefits listed on Google but instead, they are more interested in the story behind the brand. (Read more on )

With hundreds of marketing messages being seen on the internet daily people are focussing on the things that they are interested in and ignore the rest. Consumers are looking through a micro-lens at websites and social media channels that will offer them exactly what they want and that is worthwhile to them specifically. ()

It has become more difficult to please a general audience and more necessary to zoom in on marketing to a targeted online audience.

To do that a digital marketer would require a unique set of skills and knowledge in order to understand how marketing to a digital audience works, how to connect with the right audience and convert leads into paying clients or customers and how to drive traffic to a website. From this stems the need to know how e-mail marketing and mobile marketing connect with the bigger digital picture and how to communicate with people in such a way that they stay loyal to the brand.

This is where a Degree in Digital Marketing comes in!


Have you heard of SEM, CRM, PPC, CPC, CPM? Don’t forget SEO and ROI! (Read more on )

If you want to become a skilled Digital Marketer you will have to learn how to speak the language! However, Digital Marketing is more than just fancy acronyms. It is about implementing successful strategies, analysing the data and understanding consumer behavior.

The Bachelor of Commerce in Digital Marketing at Prestige Academy will separate you from the rest of the marketing community and equip you with the knowledge that you need to take a company’s online brand to the next level!

Within three years you will have gained the knowledge needed to enter the digital industry and launch a successful career as a Digital Marketer. This Degree focusses not only on what the industry requires but also gives students the opportunity to apply themselves by means of work-integrated learning.


Old school is no longer cool! The world is changing and so is commerce, the way we communicate, even the way we do little things like banking, where we get our news from, how we purchase clothes or simply finding a recipe for dinner. Digital platforms already play a pivotal role in society and govern many aspects of our everyday life. We see the lasting effects of the digital footprint left by industry conglomerates like Google. The industry is expanding and this promises for a very different future than what we can imagine today. Read more here on . Be part of the growth and development by receiving an education that will guarantee you a future in the digital era – a .

This degree focuses not only on the fundamentals of business marketing but gives you an in-depth understanding of marketing practices and planning, economics and understanding the digital marketing systems. With this and other knowledge gained from the Degree in Digital Marketing, you will master web analytics, search engine optimisation (SEO), affiliate marketing, product branding, and campaign management. You’ll get a better understanding of finances and how to show the return on investment for companies who spend money on digital marketing campaigns.  You will be able to translate business goals into successful SEO campaigns, analyse the performance of SEO and help to increase search engine rankings for a company’s website. This Degree will also equip you to oversee Internet Marketing Campaigns from strategising to execution while you provide direction to the rest of the marketing team on designs, copy, etc.

It will be worth your while to invest in studying a Degree that offers many career opportunities for the future such as a Social Media Strategist, Campaign Manager, Digital Marketing Manager, PPC Executive, SEO Specialist, Community Manager, Online Content Producer, Paid Media Specialist (Google Analytics) and many more.

Invest in your future career by choosing the !

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