In modern-day business, nobody can afford to be missing out on the value and engagement sourced from quality digital marketing. So, are your marketing strategies delivering optimal results?
At Buy Me Media, we offer strategic digital marketing packages that deliver an increase in brand awareness, revenue, and online status.
In our monthly packages, we will manage all social media accounts, update and manage existing websites, as well as create new websites with all the latest software (if needed), manage responsive SEO keywords and create unique digital marketing ad campaigns.
Social Media Management
Within your package, we will manage all your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) to optimise your brand online. We will achieve this via consistent relevant postings, directly targetted ads, and creating an online presence that represents your brand well.
Additionally, we will generate monthly reports identifying the progress of your social media e.g. interaction rates, impressions, and click-through rates. Finally, to provide you with the most impactful and direct outcomes of your marketing campaigns we will come up with a unique plan for your brand, all tailored to achieve your business objectives.
Despite the social media boom in the past decade, websites remain a prime opportunity to engage with your target audience. By utilising optimal digital marketing, you can better inform your audience of your products and services, as well as a campaign to widen it and target new potential brand enthusiasts.
Additionally, we can import relevant content for your website, alongside using keywords and relevant content to optimise your searchability on search engines such as Google. We will update your site regularly and check on the speed of your site, ensuring readability to ensure a user-friendly experience. Moreover, we can create original, engaging, graphic content that represents your brand in its optimal form to your target audience. We will link your website with your social media accounts to further client engagement and facilitate brand awareness. Finally, we can produce enquiry form integration into your website to facilitate direct engagement to support the conversion of product interest into product purchase.
At Buy Me Media we will optimise your SEO by embedding keywords throughout your site in blog posts, pages, and specifically generated plug-ins. This will ensure your brand is easy to find through all search options and increase the opportunity for engagement with your target audience.
Targeted Ads
At Buy Me Media we can create and deliver specifically targeted ads that will reach out directly to your targeted audience via different channels including Social Media, Google and Pay Per Click. Furthermore, through our unique strategy, we will maximise your brand engagement by creating targeted profiles consisting of individuals meeting desired criteria e.g. age, gender, location, demographics, interests and engagement.
From this, we can extend your digital marketing campaign to re-target those who have most-engaged with your brand, and create reports identifying the characteristics of these people. This can be used to produce further targeted campaigns for the most likely audience to further engage in business with your brand.
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