Jordan Steen Course -The Digital Marketing School Review 2019

Digital marketing seems to have a lot of legs. That can be overwhelming.

So how do so many entrepreneurs own their own digital agencies with big client lists and lots of income?

I’ve taken several courses and the benefits I’ve gotten through leveraging digital marketing skills has me at $50 k / m currently.

Yes Jordan Steen’s Digital Marketing School was impactful for me, and along with a course containing an advanced strategy for business lead generation, I can truly say I life the good life now..

Today, I’ll be reviewing Steen’s course, and I will weigh the pros and cons of what is contained vs. other marketing courses I’ve taken.

Who is Jordan Steen?

Jordan Steen is a digital marketer who has made it big across the digital landscape.

He has become a master of content marketing channels, social media

platforms and everything in between. He has built and sold agencies and continues to consult with major brands on their digital strategies.

He wants to bring his expertise and experience to beginners. He wants you to see how the digital world works and how to master it for your own personal success.

The Digital Marketing School Summary

Jordan’s Digital Marketing School is a bootcamp that covers every aspect of the digital spectrum. Jordan explains in his course that digital marketing is like an eight-cylinder engine firing on all pistons.

In other words, you can’t just do one thing in digital marketing to be successful. You have to be a master of all to make a difference.

His course is designed around this philosophy. How do all these moving parts come together into an integrated campaign that drives ROI?

Jordan take you through the process from strategy to execution. Here is what you get in this comprehensive course:

·         Building your digital business from the ground up

·         Developing digital strategies for different goals

·         Driving impact through organic and paid social

·         Developing lead lists through email marketing campaigns

·         How SEO and PPC work for any online company

·         Developing a powerful content marketing strategy that matters

·         How to land clients with your new-found expertise

Jordan leaves no stone unturned. He shows you all the primary issues of starting your digital agency, from the legal matters to business licenses.

 That’s just an extra step that Jordan takes to make sure you know everything you need to know. From there the fun starts.

Jordan reveals how to construct an effective digital marketing strategy for any client. He take you through the process of understanding client needs, evaluating possible approaches and building a strategy that works.

Then Jordan gets into the nuts and bolts of marketing content.

He explores each social media platform, one by one, discussing the dashboards for paid advertising and the impact of organic reach.

That means a comprehensive overview of everything from Twitter to LinkedIn.

From there he shows you how to develop effective email campaigns, including e-blasts and nurture campaigns.

Learn everything you need to know about SEO and PPC. You can become a powerful player when you can drive ecom for a client.

Jordan shows you how content marketing works and how to establish a working editorial calendar that engages audiences at every level of the sales funnel.

Most importantly, Jordan shows you how to take everything you have learned and turn it into a sizzling pitch to a new client.

Why stand on the sidelines of the playing field? Get into the digital game with the help of Jordan Steen.

While the Jordan’s Info Was Useful, Business Lead Generation is the Way to Go…

All businesses have pain points and as digital marketers, we have to identify them and solve them.

It usually all stems from a business having trouble getting clients to make deals they can profit from.

So, how do we fix that?

We make a website that will be able to bring the clients to them.

Here’s an example of one I’ve put together for a limousine service:

This website must first get itself to a high point on Google’s search results.

After that we can start forwarding calls the site’s tracking number gets to the business we’re associated with.

They profit from the deals we get them, so naturally we benefit as well.

And the website is all yours. You can repurpose it to however you see fit.

No one can take it from you.

I bet you’re wondering how digital marketing compares with business lead gen. Here is how I’d compare the two:

Cons of Digital Marketing

  • Very time consuming
  • Little control over public reaction
  • Can develop bad reputation
  • Your message can get drowned out in the internet

Why I Chose Business Lead Generation

  • Little maintenance once your website is ready to go
  • A true passive income
  • Work with and help local businesses
  • All the control is in your hands

This tree care site is one that I’m particularly proud of:

I haven’t touched that website in years, but it’s still generating leads and making me money.

$2k a month, no maintenance whatsoever. 

That’s the charm of this business model.

And if you still have any problems afterwards, we boast a large, ever-growing community that is ready to lend you a helping hand.

Here is someone who is already making great strides in the world of business lead generation:

The coaching program mentioned earlier will teach all that is needed to take your first steps into this profession.

This is a huge opportunity that I’ve taken and I am glad to have never missed out on it.

The good life… is out there. You just have to apply the right strategies!