Keeping Up With Digital Marketing in 2020

It’s not only a new year but also a new decade. Staying competitive with businesses who share your industry won’t be as easy as it used to be as there are so many places to put your advertising dollars.

According to Knoxweb, smart digital marketing starts with planning. You need to have a strong internet marketing strategy if you want to increase your bottom line.

Below are some digital marketing trends to watch for in 2020

Voice Search Marketing will Be Supreme

digital_marketing_KnoxvilleIt won’t take long for voice search marketing to surpass text search marketing. Because smart technology is much wiser than it used to be, people are bypassing typing for talking. However, voice search marketing is different from text marketing.

If you follow the Knoxweb Blog, you will remember that people don’t type like they talk. When crafting your content be sure to test your question before you include it in your overall voice search marketing campaign. Instead of, “dentist, Lexington,” you will want to type, “find a dentist near me in Lexington.”

Artificial Intelligence for Digital Marketing

Alexa, Siri and, “Hey Google,” are being heard in millions of homes across the country and around the world. People are using artificial intelligence for all kinds of reasons from asking for sun set times to cooking the perfect prime rib. People are even using artificial intelligence to carry on a conversation.

Just like voice search marketing, AI marketing requires cleverly written content that is driven by what you would say when you are talking to Alexa, Siri or any other smart device. Ask Knoxweb how you can incorporate AI friendly content into your overall digital marketing campaign.

Video for Digital Marketing

If the past decade has shown the world anything, it’s that video marketing is the way of the future. Ten years ago a handful of people were watching video on their mobile devices. My how things have changed.

Incorporating video content into your overall digital campaign is the smart way to go for marketing in 2020. Most people will tell you that they would rather watch than read.

A well-produced and marketed video, or video series regardless of the product or service, is probably the most important part of the entire digital campaign.

Knoxweb are the video for the web experts and have been working in the digital world since 1996. Ask how Video Grabbers can work for your digital marketing campaign.

Blogging is Still Relevant for Digital Marketing

Blogging is not dead. When incorporated in the right way, it can do wonders for your campaign and your online profile. A smartly researched and well-written business blog enhances all of your online content including your social media and video search marketing.

Knoxweb writes keyword rich, user-friendly blogs, articles and content that is easy to read. You can even take it one-step further by adding video to your blog.

Vlogging Works for Everyone

Vlogging is a combination of blogging and video. A good digital marketing campaign that includes you or a spokesperson for your company is an excellent way to attract new fans and followers. Video marketing is especially important for social media marketing.

One of the best ways to start a blog is to find an influencer. Knoxweb explains that an influencer is someone who represents your industry on the net and would be a good front person for your brand. This person will have a strong social media following and hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of followers and fans.

Regardless of what you do in the new decade, you will use digital marketing for your overall needs.

Talk to Knoxweb about a detailed plan for your digital marketing campaign today.

The post Keeping Up With Digital Marketing in 2020 appeared first on Knoxweb.