It’s time to talk about why lead magnets are dead and take a sneak peek at what comes next for high ticket coaches or consultants who should never have bothered with them, in the first place.
Conventional thinking says you must build an email list, nurture the people on it and eventually convert them into buyers…
And the way to do that is by offering an “ethical bribe’ to get them to give you their email address.
That is thinking is flawed.
To understand why, we must go back to first principles and decide what our ultimate goal is.
When it comes to lead magnets, the usual answers are…
“To pay it forward by offering value in advance.”
“To build by email subscribers list.”
“To make new connections.”
Yet none of these represent our ultimate goal which is to create happy customers who want to do business with us and so make sales and increase revenue.
If you agree, there are far better ways of achieving this which take less time, are more effective and, best of all, are more enjoyable for all involved.
But first…
Let me say that I can count on one hand the times that downloading a new lead magnet has been a happy experience for me. Most of them are just one or two pages of rehashed information that have been hidden behind a clickbait headline.
Which is no way to start a relationship with a new connection with someone able to pay your high ticket fee, especially if your intent is to serve them to the very best of your ability.
The PDF gets skimmed and discarded.
And the email series that follows goes unread.
Leaving a large list of unresponsive email addresses for which you have to pay the autoresponder service for the privilege of owning.
You get bragging rights.
And you get to feel good having a 5 figure email list.
Personally, I’d rather have a 5 figure a month income and a tiny list of truly engaged readers.
So here’s a question…
If you are so confident that your lead magnet is so packed with insight and value, why not let the new connection see that them BEFORE they opt in?
The result would be your subscribers list would be 80% smaller (which is a good thing) but everyone on it would be there because they WANT to hear from you…
Open rates would be consistently high.
Your conversion rate would go through the roof.
And your ROAS would ultimately be much much better.
That is, if you insist on spending time and money on advertising.
Something anyone earning less than 30k per month should never do.
There is a better way.
A way that makes list building an afterthought.
A way that puts your nurturing content out there for your audience to read long before they get a chance to opt in.
A way that every coach/consultant should use because it puts attracting 1 or 2 pre-sold leads every week, front and centre of your client attraction strategy.
And that is by writing posts that truly illuminate your audience’s understanding of the problem they face, before shifting their existing beliefs around that problem and finally moving them to accept a better solution to the ones they may have already tried ( here’s an example )
To do this…
You can then be strategic about the posts you write to help them move towards finding a solution which fits them so well that it sells itself, as Peter Drucker might say.
I spent many years using conventional marketing tactics.
FB Ad > Landing Page > Email link to Lead Magnet > Welcome series of emails etc…
But when I realised my high ticket ideal clients were in a hurry to find a solution to their client attraction problem, I switched to putting all the goodness out there so they could decide by themselves whether I was the person they wanted to work with.
After all, they are probably considering several different consultants so the more they know about me, my methods and why I use them the better…
And the sooner the better.
I don’t want to waste their time and I’m pretty sure they don’t want to waste mine either.
Whether they wind up on my email list is immaterial UNTIL they have decided that I have something they want to know more about.
So, if what you have read so far makes sense to you and you are an expert service provider who loves to share your insights with your audience while serving them to the best of your ability…
I would like to invite you to join the Story Marketing Tribe and discover more about my values and principles and how to attract 1 new customer every week who you truly love to work with.
Thank you for reading thus far.
I look forward to connecting with you in the Tribe.
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