Images via LEGO
If you’re one of those who can’t work in complete silence, LEGO’s White Noise playlist could keep you on momentum with the right balance of serenity and background noise.
In an ongoing effort to help grownups get in touch with their carefree nature and creativity from childhood, the toymaker has put together a three-and-a-half-hour playlist of plastic bricks being used in a number of ways. The hope is to draw listeners into a moment of zen so they can relax or fall asleep.
Image via LEGO
The playlist consists of seven 30-minute tracks, including It All Clicks, which features two LEGO pieces being joined together, and The Waterfall, which involves the sounds of thousands of blocks being poured into a LEGO pool.
The company contends that over 10,000 blocks were experimented with by its designers for the tracks, since “each LEGO element makes a unique noise.”
You can access the playlist for free across “over 15 different music streaming platforms,” including Spotify, Apple Music, and Google Music.
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