Google Analytics Key Events Google Analytics Key Events
If you finally got your head around Google Analytics 4 I’ve got some bad news for you. It’s about to change the name of something and confuse us all over again. According to Google documentation, it’s going to change the name of ‘Conversions’ (similar to goals in old analytics) to ‘Key events’. It’s a small thing but an annoying thing. https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/14337311 Google Analytics Spam Google Analytics Spam
Have you noticed a spike in traffic to your website recently? Have you looked a bit harder and realised it’s all coming from some dodgy sites in Poland (or pretending to be Poland)? It’s happening everywhere and it’s annoying because it’s not as easy to block as it used to be in the old analytics. You can either, ignore it. Or you can filter each of your reports individually to ignore traffic from random sites. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7168273598149840897/ Get a headstart on Google Analytics 4 & understand the lingo with the GA4 phrase book Get a headstart on Google Analytics 4 & understand the lingo with the GA4 phrase book
Google Reddit AI partnership Google Reddit AI partnership
Google and Reddit are partnering to offer some sort of AI integration. This comes as Reddit prepares to launch its IPO and it’s bound to have a positive effect on the launch. As always it’s difficult to decode Google’s announcement, but other sources suggest that Google will use Reddit content for AI training. Something I can see many Reddit users taking issue with. https://blog.google/inside-google/company-announcements/expanded-reddit-partnership/ https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/ Instagram insights on desktop at last Instagram insights on desktop at last
It’s been a pain accessing your Instagram analytics. Some were available in Business Suite but to see everything, you had to go to mobile. At last, Instagram has fixed this, offering almost the same insights on desktop as on mobile. This will make life a lot easier for analytics nerds like me. I’m hoping we’ll see some of the final missing stuff there soon too. https://www.instagram.com/accounts/insights/?timeframe=90 LinkedIn talks algorithm LinkedIn talks algorithm
The LinkedIn algorithm is changing. It’s official. According to LinkedIn’s Dan Roth, instead of rewarding vitality (whatever that means) they plan to surface content that offers knowledge and advice for longer exposure. This will be content that provokes meaningful comments and conversation This will reward those who spend time creating helpful content over those who do something a bit random just for the clicks. https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-shares-insights-into-latest-feed-algorithm-updates/708710/ https://www.entrepreneur.com/science-technology/with-this-linkedin-algorithm-change-your-best-posts-could/470219 Bookmark threads Bookmark threads
Bookmarks are handy for digital marketers. When you see a post that inspires you, you can bookmark it. When someone talks about you online, bookmark it, when someone shares some amazing info, bookmark it. It’s no wonder that people went crazy when Threads added bookmarking to the platform. It’s not as obvious as Instagram bookmarking but you’ll find the save button under the ‘3 dot’ menu. https://www.threads.net/@threads/post/C30eveaOmoJ https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/threads-expands-saved-posts-users/708534/ Most people don’t post on TikTok Most people don’t post on TikTok
Is social media becoming an entertainment platform? And if so what does that mean for marketers? A study conducted by Pew Research shows that the top 25% of TikTok users generate 98% of the public videos on the platform. Apparently, users aged 35-49 are more likely to post compared to other age groups. What does this tell us? My guess is that older users who grew up with Facebook see creation as part of social. Younger users see it as an entertainment channel. That means there’s still room for good business content. https://www.axios.com/2024/02/22/pew-research-adult-tiktok-use
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