Liquid Death might do canned waters, but calling its identity diluted would be far from accurate. The company has been turning marketing tropes on their heads and is actually making them work; it wasn’t too long ago when the brand launched a vegan cannibal steakhouse to serve up the human-meat experience, a likely play on the prevalence of plant-based meat alternatives.
Also, take a look at the side of its can, which tells the story of a murderous aluminum can that helped inspire its hardcore mountain water.
the liquid death copywriters didn’t have to go so hard
— Daniel Spielberger (@quepaso_daniel) June 10, 2022
This time around, Liquid Death is rehashing a done-to-death trend from internet history: blind taste tests. The experiment ropes in 17 real people to try out its new flavored sparkling waters—available in ‘Berry It Alive’, ‘Mango Chainsaw’, and ‘Severed Lime’ flavors—against some of the most luxurious and expensive liquids ever. Some of these drinks, in fact, are 290 times the price of a can of sparkling water, which goes for only US$1.99.
Of course, there’s a twist. The contenders are liquefied… things that you should find out about on your own by watching the video above. And needless to say, the participants all preferred Liquid Death’s sparkling water.
The humorous spot is making its rounds among the advertising community on Twitter, and for good reason.
— Zoe Scaman (@zoescaman) June 8, 2022
To round off its campaign, Liquid Death cheekily challenges fans to “blindfold your closest friends and see which they prefer!”
I should not be laughing this hard. I am a grown woman.
Need more absurd creative premises like this greenlit just because they’re stupid and funny👏
9 times out of 10 some marketing stakeholder would kill this because “you would never blend Wagyu into a shake like that so the comparison doesn’t make sense”
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