In episode #2171, we share three strategic ways to monetize your blog for long-term cash flow! It is widely known that blog traffic can be manipulated in order to increase your revenue, but there are some methods that are better than others and will lead to more sustained income. Tune in to hear about our best advice for monetizing your blog today! TIME-STAMPED SHOW NOTES: [00:22] Today’s topic: 3 Strategic Ways to Monetize Your Blog for Long Term Cash Flow. [00:40] Using your blog to promote your own product or service! [01:30] There is more to traffic than SEO; think about retargeting your email list. [02:17] How partnerships can take your blog’s reach to the next level. [03:37] That’s it for today! [03:39] Go to to apply for our live event. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Subscribe to our premium podcast (with tons of goodies!): Leave Some Feedback: What should we talk about next? Please let us know in the comments below Did you enjoy this episode? If so, please leave a short review. Connect with Us:
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