In episode #2194, Neil and Eric talk about their plans for Inbound 2022, and how to make the most of live events. Learn about the annual Inbound conference hosted by HubSpot, where Neil and Eric will both be speaking this year, what topics they’ll be covering, and how to make the most of conferences and other live events! TIME-STAMPED SHOW NOTES: [00:20] Today’s topic: Neil & Eric’s Inbound 2022 Plans (How To Make The Most Of Live Events). [00:29] Learn about the annual Inbound conference where Neil and Eric will both be speaking this year. [01:09] How Neil and Eric typically prepare their teams for Inbound and other similar events. [01:38] Why conferences are expensive and how to get a high ROI. [02:10] How to make the most of an event where you are speaking. [02:35] Learn about the dinner that Eric will be putting together for Marketing School. [03:19] Neil shares the topic of his talk on how to navigate the changes in social and search algorithms. [04:25] That’s it for today! Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast! [04:27] Vist to apply for our live event in Beverly Hills from 29-31 August! [04:39] Go to to learn more! Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Subscribe to our premium podcast (with tons of goodies!): Leave Some Feedback: What should we talk about next? Please let us know in the comments below Did you enjoy this episode? If so, please leave a short review. Connect with Us:
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