In episode #1775, we share our thoughts on the viability of blogging in 2021 and the best ways of expanding the reach of your content. The truth is that the text-based content space is flooded and with all the copywriting AI tools out there, this won’t change very soon. Tune in and hear about some alternatives such as video pillar pieces and the leverage offered by platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. TIME-STAMPED SHOW NOTES: [00:25] Today’s topic: What Kind of Blog Should You Create in 2021? [00:31] The different types of content out there and the difficulty of choosing which type to post. [01:01] Competition in the blogging space; other platforms that might offer more reach. [01:14] Why Eric would rather focus on LinkedIn and Twitter than blogging. [02:13] Getting past competition in the text space by starting a video-based blog. [02:59] How people are using text generation tools like Conversion.ai. [03:29] Starting with a pillar audio piece and then converting and repurposing it. [04:19] Whatever channel you choose, remember that if you want eyeballs, you have to create content. [04:45] Go to to hang out with Neil and Eric in September. Get ad-free listening plus exclusive content with Marketing School Pro. Try for free at Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Leave Some Feedback: What should we talk about next? Please let us know in the comments below Did you enjoy this episode? If so, please leave a short review. Connect with Us:
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