In episode #2096, Neil and Eric talk about where they think the world is headed (and what to do about it). With rising interest rates, businesses and marketing departments find themselves needing to adapt. Listen in to hear what you can expect in the coming months and what helpful steps you can take to protect yourself and your business, while also learning how to identify unexpected opportunities. TIME-STAMPED SHOW NOTES: [00:20] Today’s topic: Where We Think The World Is Headed (And What To Do About It) [00:25] How rising interest rates will affect businesses and marketing. [01:29] How to find places where you can get underpriced attention. [03:33] Making preparations for cutbacks. [03:56] Some advice from Warren Buffet. [04:25] That’s it for today! Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast! [04:30] Go to to learn more! Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Subscribe to our premium podcast (with tons of goodies!): Leave Some Feedback: What should we talk about next? Please let us know in the comments below Did you enjoy this episode? If so, please leave a short review. Connect with Us:
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