In episode #2140, Neil and Eric talk about why you should own your traffic sources. Find out why owning your traffic sources gives you more options, how big tech companies are operating, and how to protect yourself when working with ad agencies. TIME-STAMPED SHOW NOTES: [00:20] Today’s topic: Why You Should Own Your Traffic Sources. [00:25] Why owning your own traffic sources gives you more options for advertising. [01:29] Why you shouldn’t let an ad agency create and control your accounts. [02:44] Examples of how businesses are creating their own media companies. [03:54] That’s it for today! Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast! [04:01] Go to to learn more! Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Subscribe to our premium podcast (with tons of goodies!): Leave Some Feedback: What should we talk about next? Please let us know in the comments below Did you enjoy this episode? If so, please leave a short review. Connect with Us:
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