Welcome Sherry to the Ardent Team!
Sherry Harlass is an Air Force brat who lived in Massachusetts, upstate New York, Alaska and Wisconsin before moving to Wichita Falls, Texas, where she traded skis and ice skates for a swim suit, graduated from high school and college, and was married before moving to the Metroplex. She and her husband have two grown kids. Her degree is in journalism, so she worked in print for newspapers and magazines before migrating to digital about 10 years ago. Now that she’s at Ardent, she is happy to work with an awesome team to accomplish great things to serve our clients. If you’re one of our clients and have the privilege of talking to her about digital marketing, don’t be surprised when you hear her quote Princess Bride: “As you wish.”
Sherry is a passionate servant with a wide variety of interests and the energy to tackle them all. When she’s not at work, you’ll probably find her swimming, biking, hiking, or taking pictures. It only makes sense for her to make the most of life. Her personal motto is, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
As good as she is at managing tasks and getting from point A to point B without a motorized vehicle (see previous paragraph), she’s not good at everything. Sherry wishes she had the ability to sing on key and get the words to songs right. This may be due, in part, to the fact that she listens to music without words. Interestingly enough, though, we have it on good authority that she’s down for a lip sync battle. (Follow our social media accounts to see how that goes in the future.)
We asked Sherry the last joke she heard. “I love to listen to and laugh at good jokes but can rarely remember them. When I do, I don’t get the punchline right.” It was an ironic answer considering she also told us that her biggest pet peeve is people who don’t care about getting things right. To her credit, she didn’t try to tell any jokes.
If you want to get on her good side, make her a meal of Alaska King Crab, asparagus, raspberries, and garlic bread. Just make sure she doesn’t swim for 30 minutes after she eats.
We’re thrilled to have Sherry on our digital marketing team!
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